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  1. fureelz

    Account gone?

    Damnit still no word on my account you theives?
  2. fureelz

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    You're awesome, hopefully you are moving right across the house is FUCT!
  3. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    Welp, heres a twist to that...if he was already in custody (in handcuffs) they CAN go in the house to obtain belongings....just not search. IF there was paraphernalia in plain sight that can be probable cause to arrest Alan. Where Alan fuct up was allowing these things to be exposed for the...
  4. fureelz

    anybody body use those floralux lights

    lol 11 of 07...damn hope you got it figured out by
  5. fureelz

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    That sounds like a lot of work. Got an electrician coming on Friday. gonna have to set up a payment plan for this sh!t.
  6. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    Fine for the moment I suppose, but running from something that may seem so small to you (a QP) has huge consequences..I cannot justify up and leaving my fam tryin to run from the law over something like this...just not a viable solution. Ride it out and get some more plants in cycle to start...
  7. fureelz

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    waits patiently....and you got my vote for thread of the year.
  8. fureelz

    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Got a quick question: Is it common for a rooms sockets, switches to just quit working? Here is the situation: one night, disposal went crazy...figured its been here since '98 it might have burnt the motor. Next morning, my lights to the office no longer work. Huh? went the panel, no popped...
  9. fureelz

    Wilting Clones.. Plz Help..

    Just wanted to suggest cloning in a different medium...try using rockwool with a clone gel and a nice cloning solution. Its nice and compact allowing you to fit 10-15 inside the dome and holds the moisture you need to produce roots...and 24 hour lighting is great....good luck!
  10. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    more specific: "When my buddy called his lawyer up and found out that after 4 months that he still hasn't been officially charged nor did he have warrent out for his arrest---did he decide it was time to pack up and move. He moved from my state to Alaska. Your buddy might not have to move that...
  11. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    IF he had left the state they would have had a warrant released FOR that doesn't GO AWAY just because you move like your suggesting, bryguy420.. And an illegal drug is an illegal drug, if it be 1 gram or 112. You will be prosecuted, I don't understand why someone would try to justify...
  12. fureelz

    What do you guys think?

    Nice, what strain?
  13. fureelz

    A guide to being a good neighbor when growing. Come take a look! Must Read!

    Oh and the reason I posted (really ripped)...the egg...You think someone knows or it was a random? I haven't had any threats like that, but things are building up..I have seen footprints thru my grass and something kind of random...3 houses up somebody decides that when I drive by someone clicks...
  14. fureelz

    A guide to being a good neighbor when growing. Come take a look! Must Read!

    Perfect thread... Neighbors do pay off! Actually there are two right across from me, both are my patients....I can completely trust them for surveillance and security...IF anyone is at my house or even creeps by I recieve a phone call..I'll get calls even when I'm home and a friend stops by...
  15. fureelz

    The doggies nuts? Wtf!

    my suggestion would be to become your own seedbank and compete against the doggies nuts...
  16. fureelz

    I think my tap water sucks

    lol please just try some cal/mag so ganjababy can take a breath! I would completely agree with his diagnosis & solution and have experienced the same problems...taking his suggestion had much better results than what you're workin with... cal/mag & pH 6.8 = gfg
  17. fureelz

    Can I still grow?

    Build a greenhouse your set! good luck..
  18. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    Oh, I wanted to say....They also took my cell and 20,000+ in cash...never got the money back, cell phone back in 2 weeks AFTER requesting it from evidence. Got the few numbers off it I needed and threw the phone in the trash. Oh never got the pre-paid phone back... Did you know that your cell...
  19. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    To fill in a missing gap, I was in the process of gettin my paperwork in order for my MMJ card in january, SMDTF was watching my house, roommate was pushing p'z out the crib...10 days before I got my recommendation to blaze, I was raided..It helped me with the case, obviously...but still fuct!
  20. fureelz

    Raided and not charged over 6 months later?

    The drug task force tried to get me to flip on people as well....thats what they do. Made me sign papers and everything, nothing ever came of it and I never gave any incriminating evidence.....AND then I got my house broken into and all of my equipment was stolen...I filed a police report and...