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  1. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    Hey guys. Just wanted to shoot everyone a quick message, and say thanks for all the help. Especially Sicc and Fox Company. Without the timely advice from these two folks, I imagine this first aerogrow attempt of mine would have been a disaster. Instead, thanks to the wealth of knowledge from...
  2. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    yea sicc. thanks for clarifying. There is no way these plants are not getting enough nutes.... However it is possible they could be getting cold...will a warmer night/dark period be better for it? What will improve? Thanks for all the good info.
  3. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    That cant be true in this case. I have been getting dark colored stems throughout the life of the plant... I just recently had to empty and flush the res cause the leaves were showing signs of nutrient burn (the signs were obvious), which as you probably already know is from too many nutes...
  4. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    Hey is an update on this aerogrow progress. The strain is Lowryder/Dwarf. Here are some pictures. Its hard to tell the actual size with the webcam I use but there are a couple that give a general idea. This is the only one that turned out to be female...However, I have kept the...
  5. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    Also, I would try putting a few caps of Hydrogen Peroxide into the water...This will help with the roots health... (make sure you rebalance the Ph after doing this) If you do get that problem solved...make sure to use the cardboard pod covers that come with the aerogarden...if youre not doing...
  6. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    OK. Looks like I am only going to have one female in this aerogarden grow. I have been thinking about what to do with the 2 males that are growing in the aerogarden with the female, one on either side. For now, I have pulled them away from the female at severe angles to let the fem. get all...
  7. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    ok. right in the res. or in the nutrient mix...? What does this do?
  8. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    hydrogen peroxide? Pour some in the res? How should I use it?
  9. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    hey fox...would you have left everything in after cutting it would you have handled removing a male from your setup? I am interested in what you would do cause I still may have 2 or 3 more males to remove...How should I do it?
  10. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    well here it is... I had to use a surprising amount of strength just to pull it up far enough to cut it off...there was no way I could just pull it out without pulling out the roots of every plant in that res. So I pulled it up out of the water, cut it off, pushed the remaining roots back...
  11. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    So to be clear, you say I should get that sponge out of the pod, and Im guessing get all the roots I can manage to get with it, right? The only problem here is that this plant I took out, its old root system is completely entangled and meshed in with the rest of the root matrix in the...
  12. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    I think they are all male except for one friggin plant! Man that sure is frustrating. All that hard work with the water, pruning nutes, everything wasted. I bought the seeds from an online seed bank. great site. Guess i just got unlucky when i picked the seeds to use. I...
  13. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    So they have begun to show sex. I have 4 plants in the aerogarden. Make that 3. I have 3 plants growing now cause I pulled out one I definetly knew was a male. It had clover like little buds starting in the hairs like the one has...I am positive this one was a male...and I have one...
  14. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    also, I didnt want that big male I cut out to go to waste, so I ate the tops and a buch of was spicy as hell! And I think Im getting high! It had the tri-tipped little flowers that are indicative of a male plant, but I think this guy had a bunch of THC in his this...
  15. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    So they have begun to show sex. I have 4 plants in the aerogarden. Make that 3. I have 3 plants growing now cause I pulled out one I definetly knew was a male. It had clover like little buds starting in the hairs like the one has...I am positive this one was a male...and I have...
  16. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    OK. So I have switched over to flowering light schedule (12/12) exactly 1 week ago. I am getting a hell of a lot of growth and I need to be careful cause they are growing up into the lights when Im not looking. Question here: How long will I have to wait to start to see signs of...
  17. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    yea that one in the middle is growing like a mfer. I just pruned the top off but it is still too freakin high....different strain than the rest. the rest are bushy, like you recommend. The one on the far left is a lowrider/dwarf strain meant to grow small and bushy. I have a couple, which...
  18. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    This is a cord I found for an old laptop I dont have anymore. It was the first half of the power supply box used to plug in a computer. It didnt have the fig. 8 configuration so I just carved out some plastic notches with a pocket knife. Check it out. Fits and works perfectly!
  19. B

    Aerogarden going great...Got some good questions though

    OK. Cool. Wiil maybe wait one or two more weeks. Thanks. I only opened the res. tray to try and get a photograph of the root matrix that is down there. Im proud of how massive it is, but the shot of the open tray doesnt show them. It stays shut all the time. I even covered the open/unused...