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  1. J

    Barneys tangerine dream. reply if you have grown it!

    growing mine outdoors, topped twice, its HUGE. takes a loooooooong time. probably 10+ weeks before i saw any signs of flowering. started mine in may, in the ground in june.......real flowering just started about a week ago, hung in this pre-flower, very small flower stage for about 5-6 wks...
  2. J

    First Time Grow Journal from: Seed to Harvest - seeds from Attitude Seed Bank

    my cole train had 9 & 11, not that unusual. the number of leaves will increase until flowering, then decrease.
  3. J

    First Time Grow Journal from: Seed to Harvest - seeds from Attitude Seed Bank

    interested in your tangerine dream. i've got one going outdoors...f'in huge.... four weeks since pre-flowers and still nothing..... this is gonna be going until november!
  4. J

    Afrodite from Kannabia

    harvesting mine in a day or two... pics to follow
  5. J

    Afrodite from Kannabia

    got mine as a freebie too....... week 4 of flowering