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    Electronic Cig.

    so have we figured out if it would work or not?
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    Electronic Cig.

    i was tryin to figure out why everyone was sayin they were bummed b/c they couldnt get one lol. there sellin them im the malls where i live
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    Electronic Cig.

    that was the question i had as well
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    Kimbo vs Lesnar

    that wouldnt even be a fair fight lol lesnar would destroy him in the first 30 seconds. kimbo has 0 ground game. i doubt kimbo would even say yes to that fight
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    Electronic Cig.

    am i the only person that thinks that a small portable cheap vaproizer could possibly be a good idea?
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    Electronic Cig.

    ok so my question is would this would with MJ??? my buddy has one and says that it basicly heats up this pouch you but in there and it works like a vaporizer. i would use his to try but he moved to a different state. has anyone used one of these or have any ideas??
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    Detox Question

    ok im not sure what section to post this in but i just need a little help. Im about 5'4 135lbs, i go to the gym about everyday (studying to be a personal trainer) and my question is how long do you think it would take to get THC out of my system? im a reg smoker and i drink about a gallon of...
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    aerogarden help

    yea i wouldnt go buy one but i didnt pay for mine so thats why i have it. im deff goin a diff route next time
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    Another Aerogarden question

    thats a good idea
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    aerogarden help

    i mounted the lights and hood from the AG inside on the top of a 4' x '2 wooden box, painted the whole inside flat white, and added a 43 watt CFL in there as well just to have a lil extra light. everything is workin pretty good so far since i only have 4 plants goin right now.
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    Aerogarden Pro 100

    sounds like ur plants arnt sprouting. im not sure what ur doin wrong since there r so many factors but if u can get them to sprout then u should be good to go
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    Aerogarden question

    i just used cups for my AG. worked fine till i had to transplant them into bigger pots
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    aerogarden light question

    i have an AG and the lights dont get that hot. yes if the plant it touching the lights obviously its goin to get to hot but i had my plants about 3" away from the light with no problems
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    Another Aerogarden question

    what i did with my AG is put it in one of thoes plastic bins and painted the inside of it flat white. reason being so much light is unused because there are no walls on the AG. that worked very well for a while till my plants out grew it. now i just have the lights and the hood from the AG in a...
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    Aerogarden Question For AG Users

    im using 1 reason being it was free. im only using the bulbs and hood because i have it mounted on the top of my grow box (which isnt really that big). i also have 1 43watt CFL in there as well so 3 lights total. it seems to be workin pretty good so far. but i wouldnt go buy 1 if i didnt already...