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  1. rams8008

    I have a new record BUD!! Bubbleponics White Widow x Big Bud

    Awesome man. I just bought these seeds. Any specific advice?
  2. rams8008

    Police just got owned.

    yea everyone who said they cant search on smell is full of shit
  3. rams8008

    Pics of my problem. Please diagnose.

    How do I adjust my pH? Also this is the only plant of twelve showing this problem, if that makes any difference.
  4. rams8008

    Pics of my problem. Please diagnose.

    Situation: 600 watt SOG grow 2 weeks of veg, on second week of flower (still hasn't shown sex) Fox Farm soil, no nutes, watered every 2 or 3 days Here are the pics of my one plant that is doing poorly. Can anyone tell me what this problem is and how to fix it? I'm...
  5. rams8008

    Could use some advice for an indoor grow

    Thats what I'm starting in, I can adjust the the height of the lights and plants. Any thoughts on how much/often I should water them and if you don't think a qp is possible what do you think is? Hoping to have 4-6 females every two weeks.
  6. rams8008

    Could use some advice for an indoor grow

    Alright so this is my first grow so ill consider any advice. I'm going to attempt to have a continuous crop every two weeks. I have germinated and started seeds 16/8 under 4 30 watt cfls in a grow closet. After two weeks I plan on moving them into a 2.5'x8'x6' grow space under a 400 watt hps...
  7. rams8008

    old school rap/hipHop appreciation

    if you like hova, heres one of his best songs and easily his fastest spit
  8. rams8008

    Top hiphop/rap artists
  9. rams8008

    Top hiphop/rap artists

    Jay z Biggie 2pac Ice Cube Method Man Andre 3000<-- Great Jay z song, check out his flow
  10. rams8008

    White Widow vs Trainwreck

    Ok so my guy came through on some white widow and some trainwreck. I only have enough money to get one or the other so I was wondering if you all could help me out in deciding which I should get.
  11. rams8008

    PS3 vs XBOX360

    Xbox is way better if youre looking for online play and better games. Best games would be any of the Halos, Call of Duty 4, or Fable II.
  12. rams8008

    Penalties for possession in Indiana

    O damn well I have a prior so looks like im not gonna be rollin around with my stash anymore
  13. rams8008

    Penalties for possession in Indiana

    No i havent been caught but i have been pulled over a few times with weed in my car and i was just wondering what would happen if they found it.
  14. rams8008

    Penalties for possession in Indiana

    i go to IPFW and im not gonna argue that indiana isnt a boring place because i think pretty much everyone knows it is
  15. rams8008

    Favorite Movies While High

    I saw super high me and i thought it was boring as shit, it could have told me everything in that movie in thirty seconds but they dragged it out and was it supposed to be funny?
  16. rams8008

    Favorite Movies While High

    yea dude i saw Bruno in theaters high as hell and when the dick tip says bruno i almost fell out of my seat. i was laughing at that part for the rest of the movie.
  17. rams8008

    Favorite Movies While High

    I like watching movies when I'm baked and was wondering what you guy's favorites were. My current favorite is Cheech and Chong: Up In Smoke.
  18. rams8008

    Penalties for possession in Indiana

    I go to college here and I'm not one of those people who is willing to change my whole life for a little smoke.
  19. rams8008

    Penalties for possession in Indiana

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone on here has been caught with possession in Indiana and what their penalty was. I know more than 30 grams is a felony but what do people usually get if they get caught with about an eighth or a quarter?
  20. rams8008

    How much does bud cost where you live?

    in Fort Wayne, Indiana for mids its 20$-eighth, 35-40$-quad, 60-70$-half, 100-120$-ounce, 275-325$-quarter pound For good shit its 50$ an eigth