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  1. derrickm


    How can I tell if my buds are ready I don't have a scpe to check but to me they look ready, really nice buds..
  2. derrickm


    how can I tell when my bubs are ready I dont have a scope, but the buds on her look great???
  3. derrickm


    when do I know my buds are ready to be cut, into Oct now, so I bring her in at night, and put her out in the day,any info would be great, and will this affect her?
  4. derrickm

    just wondering

    how long should Iwait before cut the buds, going into oct, I bring her in at night and put here out on the warmmer days? Will this affect the plant
  5. derrickm

    just wondering

    how long should I let my plant bud for were going into oct, live up north, but I bring the plant in at night and out during the day
  6. derrickm

    just wondering

    can u regrow a plant with the steam if u leave it in the soil when cutting the bud?
  7. derrickm

    can you regrow a plant with stem if you cut off all bud

    can you regrow a plant with stem if you cut off all bud
  8. derrickm

    the great state of ny

    can u regrow the plant by just cutting off the buds and leaving the stem in the soil
  9. derrickm

    the great state of ny

    can you regow the plant if u just cut off the buds