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  1. M

    Pine fresh smell???

    I cut my miserable looking plant down and hung her upside down in a dark,cool room. I was going to put her in a sealed glass jar to cure but notice she smelled like pine trees or something similar to it. I dont get it??? Why does it smell like that instead of how she smelled before I cut her...
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    Thank you!!!
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    Ive been growing this lil lday since may. It was my first grow, outdoors, and she didnt come out very well. She was pollinated and has seeds. The seasons are changing and her buds/leaves are starting to die. Should I go ahead and harvest her now b4 she dies? I was trying to go a lil longer but...
  4. M

    "Speed Drying"

    Either in an envelope under your couch overnight, in the microwave on DEFROST but it does taste and smoke awful, or in the over on 150"C for 5-10 mins. Quick drying really does ruin ur herb tho :(
  5. M

    How much longer? Is it female?

    My hermie had lil balls that turned into flowers and spread pollen everywhere but this one doesnt have any like that and thats why i thought it was female. Im sad its so small. maybe i should fertilize it if im going to let it go another month?
  6. M

    How much longer? Is it female?

    Thanks yall! It is an outdoor grow, my first one. It does have seeds but it was next to another hermie that had flowers and spread pollen on it :( I got the seeds from a sac of schwag so I didnt even know the strain, thank you for that too! Hopefully it can go another month bc its starting to...
  7. M

    How much longer? Is it female?

    Someone said this is a male but Im almost positive these are buds not balls. Maybe Im just clueless... Started growin in May n thought it would be done by now. Appearantly im a better smoker than grower bc this looks pathetic compared to everyone elses :(
  8. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    She started growing in may but has been really small. She lives outdoors and came from a bag of schwag... how much longer???
  9. M

    HELP!!! please

    hahaha i cant decide!!! Part of me knows the very top will be good so i may smoke that n cook the rest? Ive smoked off it before sampling it and it was pretty lame...
  10. M

    HELP!!! please

    bummer! I cut it down already. its hangin upside down in the closet lol
  11. M

    HELP!!! please

    awww boo! lol
  12. M

    HELP!!! please

    Its been flowering since the end of june/beginging of july... how do i make hash? Sorry Im a complete newbie when it comes to growing. I dont really even know how to harvest it but im ready to cut it down. Thank you
  13. M

    HELP my hermie!!!

    Was wondering if s-he was ready for harvest? I never found dutch masters reverse so it has flowers, balls, bud, and crystals. I dont know how to harvest it really, do i leave the balls on?
  14. M

    HELP!!! please

    Is my hermie ready to be harvested? It has seeds, crystal, hairs, bud, flowers, and balls. Its my first grow and I dont know what to do or if its ready. Do I take the balls off too if its ready? I hang it upside down a week then put it in glass jars right? Please help! No clue what to do...
  15. M

    Please help me with my hermie!

    Ps I dont know the strain... I got some seeds outta a bag of schwagizzle
  16. M

    Please help me with my hermie!

    Hi yall! This was my first grow ever, did it outdoors, and it was an uuuugly hermie! lol. It has bud, hairs, flowers, and seeds. Never could find Dutch Masters Reverse. I was wondering if it is ready to harvest? Do I just trim the fan leaves or should I take all the balls off too? Then do i hang...
  17. M

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Here is one uuugly hermie plant that has seeds, bud, and flowers. Was wondering what the heck do I do with this thing? It was my only grow so I wanted to finish. Never could find Dutch Masters Reverse... Is it done? Do I just cut the fan leaves off, hang upside down, then put it in a glass jar...
  18. M

    HELP my hermie!!!

    How much longer do I need to wait til harvest? Im sorry, its my first time...
  19. M

    HELP my hermie!!!

    Im growing outdoors and it turns out i have a hermie. S-he was doing well and I was picking the lil balls off before they could flower BUT my mom came for a visit and I wasnt able to garden. Now I found 2 seeds on my s-he! The hairs are turning brown and there are some crystals so Im wondering...
  20. M

    Please help... sex my weed!!!

    its going by the sun.... i thought the whole thing would be covered in 'flowers'?