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  1. G

    Former Obama WH counsel Greg Craig indicted

    Who's next?
  2. G

    Yeehaw -Trump officially quits the UN Human Rights Council

    This President is turning out to be the best thing for the US since sliced bread. Just doesn't take shit from any other power. Not gonna take any crap for having to solve this created Obama created immigrant issue.
  3. G

    Hillary fundraises off border ‘humanitarian crisis’

    Figures that greedy twat would try to profit off of this, (like she has any power to do shit right now). Funny how she had nothing to say when Obama was doing it, or building those Walmart Detention Centers. Absolutely disgusting human.
  4. G

    CONFIRMED: Mueller admits no collusion at Trump Tower meeting Nuthinburger. Never had a doubt!
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    Unfortunately it was Your Candidate that Colluded with the Russians

    Bummer guys :( Hmmmm . . . seems might also be against the law. PS: Hillary for Prison
  6. G

    How Team Obama tried to hack the election Told you he was a POS. Here you go UB, here's your scandal. Last paragraph says it all. Good riddance to that assclown!