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  1. Grnthum

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    My 2014 grow 3xcrazy shown in picture and larry og.
  2. Grnthum

    What is hapening with my plant?

    I am almost positive you have male flowers growing out of the top of your plant. I have seen those several times on only my plants that are male.
  3. Grnthum

    Can you tell the sexn

    It looks like a male.
  4. Grnthum

    Norcal-Anyyone NOT chop yet??

    Hi Jbleez, NorthBay here, I pulled most of mine in the last 2 weeks. I still have part of 2 plants outside. We are supposed to warm up starting today so your plants hopefully will finish up. This was a great year for growing outside. Weather was phenomenal this year. Good luck to you.
  5. Grnthum

    i need help big time and fast please

    Great guide. Very helpful
  6. Grnthum

    My plants have been repeatadely raped and pillaged!!!!!

    It sounds like you have a problem with deer. The damage sounds like the damage deer cause. Good luck, deer can and will eat and destroy crops.
  7. Grnthum

    4th day force sexing male or female?

    It looks male to me. Give it a couple more days just to be sure. Good luck.
  8. Grnthum

    Mason jar question

    I bought mine at Safeway. They work great and if you don't have a Safeway, they probably have them at any major chain grocery store. Good luck to you.
  9. Grnthum

    how important is curing for potency?

    It will make the taste, smell and effect better. The hay smell and taste will go away and you will be loving it.
  10. Grnthum

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    I grow legally for my own personal use and am voting yes on prop. 19. The large growers and dealers want to keep it illegal to protect their obscene profit margins. That's the bottom line, it's about greed. They don't want you to be able to supply yourself or buy legally somewhere else.
  11. Grnthum

    California here we come - later Colorado!

    Sonoma County rocks and you are correct the cops are very supportive if you are responsible. I have never had a problem with law enforcement here and my plants do fantastic in this weather. I have never had a problem with mildew, but you are right you need to keep an eye on it due to the marine...
  12. Grnthum

    California here we come - later Colorado!

    You are exactly right! I don't appreciate those that try to scare others into voting no, which is voting against their own interest.
  13. Grnthum

    California here we come - later Colorado!

    I live in Northern CA and we are voting yes. I do not believe the price will go up, in fact it will more than likely go down due to more suppliers. The basic law of supply and demand. Some growers do not want it to be legalized because they are afraid the price will go down and cut into their...