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  1. xAnderblaze

    Mr. Homegrown's DIY Soil and WW Grow

    Hey I'm a noob (can not lie LOL) and have a question about wtf you do with your spent dirt when the grow is done?? I've been looking for info for a few days and live in an apart bringing in dirt and getting rid of it every few months is pretty heat score
  2. xAnderblaze

    So who here has/hasn't used Cocaine!

    :leaf: Its so of topic but its kinda ironic asking if they can spell in a stoner thread LOL :leaf:
  3. xAnderblaze

    So who here has/hasn't used Cocaine!

    I know exactly what your talking about
  4. xAnderblaze

    jealous women- who knows one?

    oh god yes Can not forget the daddy issues... If shes got issues with daddy get the fuck outta dodge...
  5. xAnderblaze

    Need help making bong

    IDK if sylicone would work or not but while your at the hardware store get some epoxy there is some pretty hardcore stuff on the market. I can totally see invision it... you gotta use REDBULL for bong water though LOL j/k but in the mean time try an apple pipe
  6. xAnderblaze

    if you had to torture someone. HOW?

    I like your idea :evil: but instead of vinegar use lye. lye creates a chemical burn, you need vinegar to neutralize the chemical burn... :twisted:
  7. xAnderblaze

    i have a few simple questions.

    If you are really concerned about odor take an empty toilet paper roll and bend one opening a bit, then squish 2 or 3 dryer flyers (AKA Bounce or Downy sheets) into it. When you take your hit from your bong blow it through the "Downy Blower" and the smoke will be more or less odorless. Hope...
  8. xAnderblaze

    What is your favorite internet Meme?

    Hells ya!!! thats the greatest movie of all time!!!
  9. xAnderblaze

    Suposed loop hole in vehicle searching laws

    Dood dont be telling people how to make that shit some stupid ass punk kid is gonna end up doin something really bad. The first time i used it I put it on the hood of my old car it burned through the hood, the engine block, as well as the pavement below...LOL hmmmm that memory gives me ideas...
  10. xAnderblaze

    Wasps !

    Get a wasp trap it looks like this... I don't know anything about the site i just googled wasp trap and thats what first came up LOL Then...
  11. xAnderblaze

    jealous women- who knows one?

    Yes that is totally true. If you didn't give her no reason to be jealous or not trust you chances are she has done something that makes her think that you have too. Its over before its over. Silence is golden... Duct tape is silver!! :)
  12. xAnderblaze

    I was at a party once...(post your story, one story per post)

    I was at this club one night and we just got there and were sitting around watching people on the dance floor. I hadn't even finished my drink when this chick that was completely wrecked who was dancing in this cage smashes her face against one of the bars on the cage blood squired EVERYWHERE!!!
  13. xAnderblaze

    Suposed loop hole in vehicle searching laws

    LOL have any of you ever actually even seen the stuff on fire? It will burn said box but chances are you wont have much of a car left after that. ROFL You may as well drive it off a cliff and quickly bailing out the window before it goes over.... Good Grief Stay away from the thermite...
  14. xAnderblaze

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Your post is even funnier then the picture!!
  15. xAnderblaze

    jealous women- who knows one?

    Hahaha that is by far one of the funniest things I think I have ever heard in my life. I think you should keep your bad comments to yourself. YOU have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!!!
  16. xAnderblaze

    jealous women- who knows one?

    Welbutrin is for depression. My ex who is Bi-Polar was on that, along with lithium, ceriquel, adivan, calaispan, and ciprelex as far as I can remember. Once she starts to feel better she will decide she doesn't need the pills and will slip back into the same patterns. I was absolutely...
  17. xAnderblaze

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Oh My god I nearly choked on jelly bean I should have you arrested for attempted murder!! LOL bongsmilie
  18. xAnderblaze

    Virgin start in a cabinet w/leds

    Awesome pix!! Don`t let all the haters discourage you. The space program got men to the moon with computing power about as strong as a Super NINtendo game. They may not quite be their yet but LED will be the future!!
  19. xAnderblaze

    No imagination

    Dood I don`t mean any disresoect... But there is so much information here just have a look around I`m sure you will find more then you need :)
  20. xAnderblaze

    jealous women- who knows one?

    Exactly... I couldn't get it through my crazy psycho ex`s head that I was only talking to my sons mom because I felt it was healthy for my son. I told her if she didn't like it she could go fist herself cause my son comes first. When we finally broke up the effin whore tried to screw with my...