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  1. S

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Thank you! Good save.... still looking for a reasonably price 6in 342-400+cfm blower/fan. Best I've found so far is the Valuelines from Plantlighting $80+ shipping
  2. S

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I was about to jump on this blower, but had a change of heart once I saw the 17amp draw from this thing! This one looks better.. 415 CFM 53 VDC BLOWER $24.95
  3. S

    Problem with DNA Genetics seeds

    Sometimes the seed will just sit on top of the water, which means only one side of the seed is actually touching water. With the damp paper towel, the entire seed is engolfed in WET paper towel increasing the likelyhood of the seed popping. Good luck.
  4. S

    Another friendship bites the dust

    That really does blow man.. you're gonna have to call him out on it and get your money or have him return the stolen product. Prolly better to just get the money and cut the guy loose for good. But don't give him the idea that you're seriously pissed before you get the money from him, once he...
  5. S

    Baltimore MD, GROWERS LOOK HERE!

    Hey whats happening... I know Im a few months behind on this, but just curious as to what happened to your extra girl? Im in your area, might be interested in conversing with you about the local ganja environment here in Baltimore, but I can't sent Pm's yet... still too new to this board. So hit...