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  1. EnkiGrower


    I just started growing. on my third crop, but I had a some plants go hermie. Is my room ruined now because there is pollen in it? I was going to let the plants in the flower room finish out, then clean the room out, but my buddy says I won't be able to grow in it because there is too much...
  2. EnkiGrower


    My Timer was accidently switched to manual and my lights stayed on an extra hour. What do I do?
  3. EnkiGrower


    Ok, so my first crop got hermied :cuss:, I did my best to cut off the male flowers and let the plants fully ripen, but it was a losing battle and I couldn't let one crop mess up the next three, the one behind it shows signs of seed :cry:. Anyhow, the bud still looks ok, and it was covered in...
  4. EnkiGrower

    new illadelph (pics)

    Nice! (215) Iladelph
  5. EnkiGrower

    Did God Create Man?

    Oh and the movie Zietgiest, I have to watch it again, but doesn't it just say that all the worlds religions are the same and go back to the days of ancient egypt and what not.
  6. EnkiGrower

    Did God Create Man?

    In genesis it says that God made man of the earth, so evolution does not disprove faith in God. There is no proof God exists, except for everything around you. To believe all this happened by chance is just as much a leap as to believe that it was made by God. I believe in God and believe in...
  7. EnkiGrower

    Got The Knock And Talk @ 4 Am

    What has happened, you got nabbed back in october right. Sorry to ask the obviouse, but Did you see badges? have you heard from the police since? some 60 year old lady just got raided because someone tipped off the police in northern colorado (Yampa) and they used two swat teams, and CO is a...
  8. EnkiGrower

    Favorite Tripping Movies

    A few of my favs.... Tron Aikira The Shining the weather channel Once I watched American werewolf in paris when I ate a little shrooms, I guess I was tripping because I saw it again and hated it Apocolypse now was good to. Man now I want to eat some boomers......
  9. EnkiGrower

    Sirius Xm

    stern's contract is almost up, and I don't think they are in the position to give him what he he might be gone and I would think that will make subscriptions drop. With internet radio and Iphones streaming radio and so on, it may be a dying service....
  10. EnkiGrower

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    I don't know where to start, or if it is even worth it. How did the 9/11 thread turn into religion?!? Doesn't matter who did it, some people conspired to take those buildings down. To Laugh that people think there is a conspiracy behind it, well is just dumb. To not question what happened...
  11. EnkiGrower

    Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

    Put on the blinders, keep quiet and find happiness, cause the truth won't set you free it will infuriate you. A FEW THOUGHTS.... WTC7? Maybe one building falls out of the two, but both, symmetrical and at free fall speeds! No black box! Project for New american Century outlined this same...
  12. EnkiGrower

    Cloning weak stems = weak plants

    "I suspect that if you chopped your entire plant save for these dwarf stems, they still would grow only very sparsely and not very large. It is as if these stems are programed to remain tiny for some reason." I actually dropped one of my plants and broke the main stem, all that was left was...
  13. EnkiGrower

    growing salvia

    Salvia is nuts, the first time I tried it I didn't really like it. You basically loose control. If a person is mind, body, and spirit, salvia seperates the spirit form the mind, and the body is on its own. I felt normal inside (my spirit), but I couldn't tell my mind how to tell my body to do...
  14. EnkiGrower

    Foxfarms Ocean Forest soil for cloning

    I use ocean forest, and mix it with another soil form Oregon that comes in a camouflage type bag (not at home but I'll post what it is tomorrow). I have had great results. I use grow bags. I start with a gallon grow bag and let veg and then transfer into a 3 gallon bag. The root balls come...
  15. EnkiGrower

    Outdoor security cage

    Are you allowed to grow outside, I know in colorado the law says"No Patient shall engage in the Medical use of Marijuana in plain view of, or in a place open to, the general public" I want to grow outside, but figure its not worth pushing the limits. But if I was sure it was legal to grow...
  16. EnkiGrower

    How bad is weed for your body???

    RichED, you are old. and been old for a while, I'm just getting used to it, haha you could lead the healthiest life ever, and then get hit by a bus. Live your life do what makes you happy and don't hurt others.
  17. EnkiGrower

    How bad is weed for your body???

    And my spelling and grammer is bad, but thats not the weeds fault
  18. EnkiGrower

    How bad is weed for your body???

    Anything can be bad for you if you abuse it. I have been smoking for 20 years (wow saying that makes me feel old) and although I am not the most motivated of people, I get my shit done and I have no related health issues. Certain strains effect people differently, I smoke more Indica's when...
  19. EnkiGrower

    please please tell me thats not a male flower

    You said it, So I have been carefully cutting the male flowers, but I see pollen fall so I'm sure I'll have seeds, oh well such is life. this shit will still smoke.
  20. EnkiGrower

    please please tell me thats not a male flower

    So I don't know what was up, but I couldn't log into RIU, so I cut the plants and put them in a closet far far away from my room. Now I am worried some of the other plants will get pollenated, shit. Is there somehting I can treat the plants with to make it less likely to hermie. I know...