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  1. N

    NQGuerilla's Outdoor Experiment 09

    Keen for input for this one as I'm a growing newbie. Please feel free to post comments or advice etc, try to keep it all positive :)
  2. N

    NQGuerilla's Outdoor Experiment 09

    As the plants get bigger it will be necessary to move the pots apart so that each plant can continue to get optimum light during the day. As the pots are moved apart it will be necessary to widen the clearing as required by growth. The extra seeds I planted have all sprouted, and a few of the...
  3. N

    NQGuerilla's Outdoor Experiment 09

    I got the remaining bag seed I had and planted them in the pots randomly just to use up all the seed I had collected. All future crop will have to be cloned (if anything spectacular grows) or I will need to buy some good seed from a seed bank. For now, the goal is to keep them alive and healthy...
  4. N

    NQGuerilla's Outdoor Experiment 09

    This will be my first post, and first proper grow. I have attempted to grow a few times and all attempts have failed through lack of planning, using substandard soils etc. This time I am putting a lot more effort into it! In November 2009 a small site was prepared, enough space for the 17 pots...
  5. N

    growing outdoors in aus

    im from further north and im about 1 1/2 months in with an outdoor bag seed grow (i only kept the best stuff). Will be starting a thread on the grow as soon as i can get down and get some pics.