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  1. Vittles

    Atheist Tattoo Ideas- Help!

    Personally, I've always found the so-called "darwin fish" to be the most intelligent symbolic representation of the conviction that knowledge matters more than faith; especially as it borrows from, and comments on, one of the most ancient symbols of christianity itself. However, I also happen...
  2. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    RESULT! Had a tip from a really helpful grower, and subsequent research on the web makes me think I've got to the bottom of this. Because it might be of interest to other growers, I'm putting that info into this thread.... Here's just a few of the things I've found out: (mostly from the...
  3. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    Ah here we go...
  4. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    Pics aren't attaching for some reason. Smilies not working either... hmmm
  5. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    It's back! So today I noticed what looks like a return of the mystery stuff. Its sort of in the same area as it was last time - towards the lower part of the plant. One photo shows where on the plant (red arrows). The other pic is unmagnified and the area with growth is circled red. The other...
  6. Vittles

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Awesome link, thanks for sharing! I knew there were lots of satellites out there, but had no idea there were THAT many... And there are so many other cool features on that site. No wonder things keep falling out of the sky....
  7. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    oh I have nothing against the odd short(!) blackout ;-) Good idea, no shortage of those when there's free smoke around :fire: Sure does look very trich-like right? Dont worry, if there's life after the big toke I'm sure I'll have better things to do :-P
  8. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    No not with this particular plant. Just the switchover from outside/sun to inside/HPS. Actually there was one day last week when the timer didn't work and they had a 24h period of darkness. You think it may have something to do with dark or light cycles?
  9. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    No, cause I thought it may be mold I didn't... Starting to think maybe I should have :mrgreen:
  10. Vittles

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Laziest dog I ever had........
  11. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    Hey GrowTech & New Growth thanks for getting back to me. Stupidly, when I saw the stuff I wanted to play it safe and cut away anything that looked affected. Went thru the trash (as you do) but all I could find was this little piece - and bear in mind it's a day old now. It basically looked like...
  12. Vittles

    What is this!? 400x mag HELP

    Hi am new to riu but really impressed with the site. Hope some of you clever people can help... Coming to the end of this years grow and found something weird on a few buds of one plant (only two left now) Background info: Organic soil-based grow. Outdoors until 20.Oct now indoors under HPS400 +...