Search results

  1. sharpe

    CA Wildfires: Ash on my Buds

    Well I would think it is very posible that non screen type hash making method (I.E. Isohash, butane honey oil, ect.) would still be viable if misting and shaking off isnt enough. I think that unless the plants need to be harvested very soon and or are prone to molding then a misting and shaking...
  2. sharpe

    Any one elses house burn down?

    Once your allowed back into the area DO search the rubble for any remnants of your stash.If you have the charred remains the US treasury WILL reimburse you for the full value of what you can show/prove. Given the size of this disaster I think that they wont give you too much trouble about it.
  3. sharpe

    Nice homemade bong (Instructions on how to make)

    Ok well that will get you high and all BUT If your going to bother using it more than once build a better one. I have built damn near a hundred homemade bongs and pipes, out of everything imagineable to the point my freinds joke that im the bong macguyver, give me a stick of gum, a book, and...
  4. sharpe

    Getting Good Soil, The Hard Way.

    Ok well what about fertalizers? Would composted plant matter be usefull ? Swamp mud?
  5. sharpe

    Getting Good Soil, The Hard Way.

    Nettles huh? thats funny one of the spots i like the looks of has loads of nettles. Anyone elce have luck with nettels?
  6. sharpe

    Getting Good Soil, The Hard Way.

    I have been around numerous sites and grow guides, but no one has ever addressed how to blend your own soil mix directly from the ground. I think that if your going to grow organic then why should you have to pay to do something the natural way? If possible i would like to get as much as...
  7. sharpe

    I have a project for someone.

    Personaly i think that this is a bad idea,(No offence to you) I think that their just isnt a big intrest to do such a thing. If space is truly a concern you would be much better growing with clones or a current lowryder strain, Big bud is about sheer quantity, not about good bud so much. I Think...
  8. sharpe

    Green Crack?

    Well the "green crack" i bought, was moderate strength and a very mentaly stimulating high, Im no expert but i would say it had a sativa high. Then again if your not getting bud from a very reputable source it could be any strain.
  9. sharpe

    Strain question

    Try posting in the right place, dumbass
  10. sharpe

    Lucky Find... i think

    i know this sounds retarded but just take a peice of paper and pen write a note asking anyone who owns the plant to claim it leave it at the plant with the pen. tape or tie the note to a plant with a pen. leave it for a week if no one writes anything and its still there i think its safe to...
  11. sharpe

    Growing with overhead ballast HID lamps?

    Ok thanks, i thought their would be a reason i dont see then used in grows often here. I think its worth the extra money just to get a HID lamp thats intended for growing.
  12. sharpe

    Growing with overhead ballast HID lamps?

    I was recently looking through craigslist for a HID lamp and have found a couple that are cheap and the right size, but they are the type of fixture used in warehouse lighting and have the ballasts directly above them (Ie. Intended to be mounted on the celing) Im wondering if these can be...
  13. sharpe

    New 6 Plant Grow Lights

    That just seems too fucking cheap. If you do buy it call from a pay phone a few times and ask questions that arent related to growing. One posible train of thought would be that your looking into it as a light therapy box for S.A.D. Seeing as those are suposed to put out full spectrum light to...
  14. sharpe

    mid grade outside

    cut down on watering fertalizer and then check the deffeicency guides. Overwatering is the most common problem followed by overfertilizing. Check the deffeincys just in case so that if it is something more serious then you can catch it before its too late. I should warn you unless your near...
  15. sharpe

    mid grade outside

    Yes. Grow it with love care and knowlage. Alot of people think that if you the parents arent potent then the offspring wont be. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Rember cannabis grew wild for thousands of years, the potency of todays pot is mainly determined by how you grow it. Rember seed banks are fairly...
  16. sharpe

    Best strains for northern latitudes

    What are the best strains for growing outdoor in northern areas ( like BC and washington , oregon)?
  17. sharpe

    first time grow hows it look?

    hey I saw your thread and this sounds alot like something swim's freind is attempting. I cant wait to see the out come. unless the buds are super fluffy i think your yeild will be WELL over the half oz estimate others gave you. i count around a dozen colas and id say you could expect at least...