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  1. gyxe357

    I have a gas question!

    best is during light, since they use co2 to perform photosynthesis. i'm not sure about using it for veg.
  2. gyxe357

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    watering enough? i has same issue my last time. i think it was a phosphorus def
  3. gyxe357

    First grow (pics)(

    well hello little guy, r u going to grow up n be big potent like u should be? make your master sooooooo high? :)
  4. gyxe357

    is this to much fert?

    it seems to be. i may be wrong though. i'm PERFECT at seeing burn. may be a def in one of them too.not 100% sure
  5. gyxe357

    Here's some better pics! almost ready?

    the bud are starting to turn redish brown :),so maybe a week or 2 for most of it to turn
  6. gyxe357

    Which would be better?

    cheaper is best :), the work lights r amazingly bright n cheap.
  7. gyxe357

    Closet/First Female-CFL Bansai-

    very nice. light could be closer though. i want to learn to LST
  8. gyxe357

    Videos to watch for information

    I couldn't find an real organized post of videos. so here's my List. feel free to add more,this is a team effort! 1.High Times Growers Series: Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow DVD(3 part dvd) [indoor/outdoor] 2.High Times "Ready, Set,Grow.[indoor/outdoor] These two were the best ones for me...
  9. gyxe357

    Its a girl!!! Pics!!!

    congratulations on your new pot of joy :)
  10. gyxe357

    my first grow

    indica looks yummy!
  11. gyxe357

    why its falling like this

    it's a male,so there virtually no chance it going female if u do something(doesn't stress make it go male?) if u were collecting pollen, and worried it(weight) will make the plant fall,tie some string to it,to give it some support.