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  1. R

    3 of my babies are autoflowering

    Yeah dude let them go I think you will be just fine:hump:, you know what really bothers me is when people are asses. People that use the word ignorant should really be able to spell it, atleast. Ruff
  2. R

    Let the War Begin!

    I will come remove one of them for you bra, I will eat him to. But yeah I like a good pig cook. Getting them drunk sounds like a damn good idea, I know that when I get drunk I fight like peter mckneely, but i sure do get pissed easy. And that sucks about the FEDs.
  3. R

    i've been blessed again.

    Maybe in my next life I will be a grasshoper and turn up on your pot plant fdd, I would be high as hell;) ruff
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    Grow lowryder diesel outside?

    Yes, germinate them put them into 1 gal pots and then watch them grow! Seperate or destroy the males from the females. Maybe add some bloom nutes to them after about 5 weeks then ( sparingly ) and then harvest when ready. Sorry it is so short but it is pretty easy with the auto flower strains...
  5. R

    Learn from my mistake...

    Damn desert! Are those your lr2's? I hope not. I think that they will be fine. ruff
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    Thinkin about a tree grow

    There was guy in here last summer who did a total gorilla tree grow you should check out his thread you might get some good info there. Ruff
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    Lowryder dwarf mix grow- mini cabinet

    Pitbill, Hey bud I just read over your thread. I have heard it elsewere that the male to female ratio with lowryder 2 are not good I guess we will see with mine. But yeah I am not very impressed if these things only take 60-70 days to finish then they had better get to growing. I have a...
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    Gardening Gloves From Nirvana No Seeds?!?!

    try dope-seeds, they are good. ruff
  9. R

    Fish info

    I use fish on my vegies, it does work wonders. I normally bury it in the soil about two weeks before I plant and then add some worms into the mix, it make my veggies explode with growth. Never really thought about adding it to my crops though... I would like to see the progress.
  10. R

    Fuck the goverment!!!!!!

    People, my fellow human beings!! We are are all fucked anyways look at our options.... The democrats fucked things up and the republicans dont even get me started. You are going to have a brother and a woman run for the first time, then they are going to act like jackasses all over the...
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    herbs enemy

    30-06 will take care of any species of deer, and then you will also have plenty of good eats for when you have the munchies! Ruff
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    What to do about rabits?

    TRAPS!!!! = LUNCH!!!! mmmmmm rabits! Ruff
  13. R

    my pics for the grow site

    Great spot man I know right were that is, thanks for all the helpful pics bro! Yeah I would deff worry about the summer time foliage, and deer, come back in a few days and there will be just sticks growing out of the ground. Animals like weed just like people do. Ruff
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    Germ Then Outside

    Instead of using sticks just pile some more dirt around the stems that will stop them from blowing over until they are sturdy enough, and promote root growth! ruff
  15. R

    So whats your 2008 strain?

    Lowryder2, and its been around two weeks since it started. All outdoor.
  16. R

    Somebody Is Trying To Rip Me Off Again

    Ma'am, The bottom line is this you have to decide to what extent you are willing to protect yourself and loved ones. Property comes second, you will also have to decide to what extent you are willing to protect it. I like the idea of a noise alarm, then you could catch them in the act...
  17. R

    Sweating Bulletts

    Hey rocket girl, NICE EYES!!!, Just so we can all be nice. Dude, you do need better soil that does look like beuty bark to me. Get the lights close and I find that when they are seedlings that you dont really have to get to close, maybe 6 inches away. Then as they start to develope more...
  18. R

    small grow, flower to show sex?

    yes this will work I have done this in the past and just started to flower from seed, and once sex is determined then thrown females into veg. The problem I had with this is that the females developed abnormal growth almoast like a cancerious cell or somthing leaves became deformed but at the...
  19. R

    How Do I Stop My Plant From Growing But Expand The Leafs And Branches

    If it is growing that fast ahead of the others then my bet is it would be a male plant I have noticed that the males always shoot up very fast and are kinda lanky if you know what I mean. But I do not know for sure your whole situation. That would be my bet. For know I say just go to the node...
  20. R

    Iv Been Acused Of Photoshopping My Pictures Who Thinks I Have?

    Yep they are fake photos, I can tell you made those leaves out of green construction paper, and used gliter for the crystals. And that hand that is fake too, it is really just one of those life sized cardboard cutouts you can so tell!!! Man dont sweat it bro, it looks damn good to me.