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    Google Bitch Game

    Next "weasel shaver"
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    What do you thinke of my sample?

    Thank you.
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    What do you thinke of my sample?

    No I put the money in there so you could see the size of it.
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    What do you thinke of my sample?

    This is just a sample from my girls so I'm not sure about the yield. The taste is pretty good I just smoked two bowls from a bong. One thing is tho I'm only high not stoned. ;S
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    What do you thinke of my sample?

    I don't know what the strain is, a friend gave them to me a while back.
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    What do you thinke of my sample?

    This is a sample from my grow tell me what you think.
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    Blocking out smell

    Theirs no way you can get rid of the smell completely, and I don't think incense would do that much. Have you ever smelled a grow room, or is this you're first time?
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    What is happening

    Have you checked you're PH?
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    kinda nervous about ordering seeds

    Did you ever here back from them? or what the letter it?
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    Help with a plant issue....

    Look like you could have a manganese deficiency.
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    400w hps, How does this plant look to you guys?

    Thanks dude! It really means a lot to here the positive replies from some vets!
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    400w hps, How does this plant look to you guys?

    Yeah just some plain old bag seed. Thanks for the quick and positive feedback! This is my 4th grow, and it looks like its going to be the best!!!
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    400w hps, How does this plant look to you guys?

    This plant will be one month old tomorrow. Its under a 400w hps, and I think its doing good IMHO. Sorry the pics are not that great.
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    I'm growing 5 plants under a 400w hps, and I use 5Gal buckets.
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    How long to flush with organics

    What do you mean "out of the three allowed" im not in a medical state so I don't know any thing about it.
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    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    I've been reading your thread for the past few days and you are a born ganja farmer dude, first time grows never work out this good even with your new set back. I subbed, can't wait to see your harvest!
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    Moving into 5 gallon pots?

    I would do it now.
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    veg??? rep for help

    I use my 400w hps for both vegging and flowering and it work great.
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    Moving into 5 gallon pots?

    I would go str8 to the 5Gal, I just start mine in my 5Gal buckets so I don't have to move thim.