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  1. T

    White widow plant

    ok i will do that. thanks! also.. how long would you say its going to take intill it ready to smoke? thank you.
  2. T

    White widow plant

    no i dont. so what a little fan would do?
  3. T

    White widow plant

    ok its growing indoors in a closet, i am using a 125w envirolite. i have foiled round the plant and i purchased bio grow ysturday and a ph tester so i have watered it this morning with the bio and ph correct. i also only purchased the light yesturday i was using a lamp b4 that... also the stem...
  4. T

    Lighting question

    im using a small lamp i was given b someone who said it would work... it has, but its starting to get bigger, what would be best to get for it... and i dont want to have to pay loads.......
  5. T

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    here in ireland its a joke. its v hard to get and if u get it it aint the best. it costs 50euro for a tiny bag, i dont know how much they weight but i know u can only get 3 good joints out of it. its a joke.
  6. T

    White widow plant

    hello im new here and im new to growing too. all i know about the stuff is how to smoke it and thats it. i planted 3 weeks ago. its really growing each day but still dont seem as big as pics iv seen, does that matter. bloom and grow? when would i start to use that, little yellow spots appearing...
  7. T

    Growing White Widow

    looking for help. planted a white widow seed few weeks ago. its sprouted and has shot up in a few days. im keeping it under a lamp 24hrs a day.. when do i put it into 12 hrs of light a day...