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  1. M

    No Fishing!

    You gonna eat that?
  2. M

    How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

    What did your dad have to say? Also why are you growing? do you know what kind of work is involved? Im asking this because you come across a little naive. Just curious.
  3. M

    Why have I lost interest in weed?

    lol... maybe just maybe, someday you can be a drug addict. But only if your good., you could always let it go. Youll save tons of cash.
  4. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    Ive tried to watch Glenn beck, I cant do it. He fake cried once and I couldnt take it. Im assuming he was serious.... cause he was acting like it. But it all boils down to propaganda and what they want you to believe and by They I mean who ever it is you follow, left, right, its all the same.
  5. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    Borrowed from this website. Check it out it might interest you. What Will You Tell Your Children? By Louis Beam What will you tell your children when the long dark night of state tyranny descends upon America? Will you tell them...
  6. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    Heres a statement I borrowed from youtube. Wish I wrote it. But states the obvious. The United States is an Oligarchy 2 party system a sham to fool masses They rule by lies and propaganda ie churches schools bars media sitcoms, clicheed lies instead of in a Dictatorship where they rule by...
  7. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    Couldnt agree with you more. Fact is youve enlightened me a bit When you stated "our god given rights." Disgusting, this country has us all fooled into believing we have choices. We have as much freedom as we can monitarily afford. If you cant afford to hire a lawyer... well there goes your...
  8. M

    Have you ever had to deal with a sociopath?

    Im a parent of a three year old. I couldnt imagine what I would do. I feel guilty everytime I reprimand him. You have to get it together. Your right. Listen, dont back down, dont cave. Your on the right path.
  9. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    I laughed out loud.
  10. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    all too funny. because its true, somewhere somehow. lol
  11. M

    "Mistakes" Governmental Offices Make When Tending to their Responsibilities

    They ignore you when neccesary. But use shit against you whenever possible.
  12. M

    "Mistakes" Governmental Offices Make When Tending to their Responsibilities

    So you asked for a lawyer and ignored you. Another "mistake".
  13. M

    Big Pharma set to "take over" Medical Marijuana

    How about we all make it a point, Pledge if you will, that we will never touch the stuff for recreational or otherwise. Hell its a start.
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    Big Pharma set to "take over" Medical Marijuana

    NO. Sadly its not. These man made up laws will & do affect you in everyway.
  15. M

    "Mistakes" Governmental Offices Make When Tending to their Responsibilities

    Any "mistakes" you've had to clear up due to crappy or malicious governmental workers (police). over charged, falsely accused, Anything of that nature.
  16. M

    Big Pharma set to "take over" Medical Marijuana

    All your rights (or rights wev'e worked towards) gone. Down the drain. Later legal home grown, pharmaceuticals is taking over and the government has vested interests in this. Oh well.
  17. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    Beardo for pres 2012
  18. M

    How The Fuck Does This Make You Feel?

    Hey gastank. Your right, absolutely. I just gave rep to ya aswell. Listen its not just about the economy, or the intrusion from the government one sees almost daily in peoples lives(read or see on news). I just lately have had this very intense feeling of abuse by the "system" that sees and...
  19. M

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    Making it "big" in the US today is alot like being in a band. NO not everyone has the ability to make it big, Ther are 3 deciding factors. #1 Who you know #2 How talented are you #3 and how much money do you have to invest. Good luck.
  20. M

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!
