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  1. S

    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 27 Flowering: Not much to report. All looks pretty good for now. Pics attached.
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 22 Flowering. Not much going on here. pH is slowly climbing like a normal grow after I changed out the rez. The nug density is pretty disappointing compared to my ebb/grow system with clay pebbles (compared to day 22 flowering over there). I don't really know what to chalk that up to...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 19 Flowering Changed out the rez 3 days ago, and the ph swing has returned to normal (climbing ever so slowly). A big shoutout to Medicalm for the help. Maybe DWC requires a rez change more often than ebb/flow or drip? Either way, it got me perfect growth in that system for 32 days...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 16 Flowering. I've decided to drain and re-fill my reservoir, with much hesitation... My pH has been dropping fast, with no explanation whatsoever. I use Lucas formula with different types of system elsewhere without doing a rez change at all, but I really can't come up with much else...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    It may be pricey. But that $70 5 liter bottle will treat a 105 gallon rez (mine) for a year. That's $11 per grow. Not too bad in the breakdown. More pics incoming later in the day. :)
  6. S

    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 14 Flowering Everything is still looking good. Planning on upping my PPM to true Lucas formula levels ([email protected]) in the next couple days. PH did the same thing it did last week... As follows... Day 1 - 5.8 Day 2- 5.7 Day 3 - 5.6 Day 4 - 5.4 Day 5 - 4.8 So this is the second time the pH...
  7. S

    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 11 Flowering Pics, ppm steady, ph dropping slowly. Not much to report. Added DM Zone for first time at 1ml/gal.
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Bonus PICS!!! This is my other system. ebb/gro 4000watt medi legal. Also Blue Dream. On day 23 of flowering :).
  9. S

    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 9 Flowering pH is still dropping, albeit a lot slower. Dropped from 6.0 2 days ago to it's current pH of 5.8. ppm is pretty steady. Going to err on the low side of lucas formula this grow and keep ppm 800-900. I know this makes it technically not lucas formula, but so be it. Addbacks...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    So after adding at least 400-500 ml of pH up, it has stabilized at 6.0 for 36 hours. I'll keep you all posted.
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 7 Flowering. Mysterious drop in pH. from 5.7 to 4.5 in 2 days. Water is clear and roots are white. Came out of the blue. Had to add like 500 ml of GH pH up... Unbelievable. Caibrated 2 pH meters. Wouldn't have believed it otherwise. Brought pH back to 6.0 We'll see what happens...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Thanks for all the input guys. I actually found that the "deficiency" was actually just a design flaw in my conversion. Without undercurrent running, you have to ebb/flow more than just once during the night cycle. Once I changed it to flood/drain 5 times during the day cycle, the problem...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 4 flowering. Dropped ppm.
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    ....Should have noted. This is also day 2 of flowering :).
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 15 Came in and did more supercropping. Lowered my PPM to 860 after reading about lucas DWC's last a few nights ago. All problems have seemingly vanished. Also read that 2ml/gallon is a safe dose for 30% H202. So I began adding that today. Going to add every 48 hours.
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 13 All is well. More supercropping :)
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 12 Here are pics from today. Looks like the problem isn't spreading much. I'm going to take daily pics of an individual affected leaf so it's easier to track.
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    Day 11 I guess the rez change is my backup option at this point. It's hard to tell if the problem has progressed or not. Especially since I just did my first big bottom trim. Took off about a contractor trash bag worth of green stuff. Hopefull all is well though. Here are pics from today...
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    Ebb and Grow buckets converted into 36 site recirculating DWC.

    I think it mights have been caused by a burn, or nutrient imbalance in the buckets themselves. I pulled an all nighter last night observing the plants and watching the nightly "drain" cycle closely. I had the drain setting on my ebb/gro system set to drain for 30 minutes, pushing all the water...