Search results

  1. marantz

    Sulfur vaporizer info, questions

    Sulfer Burner works pretty good to help control PM and its organic, although it has the ability to effect the taste of your buds if done in flowering and if done too strong. If you've been dealing with PM and want to insure that you get rid of it from the clone stage, i dunk all clones in...
  2. marantz

    HotShot No Pest Strips work great for spider mite control!

    Unfortunately with this hobby, effectiveness tranlates into $$$. Grab a No Shot Pest Strip and try it out... If that doesnt work i highly recommend Bayer Disease and Mite Control. both you can get at most hardware stores. Dont use it if your plants are in the last 30-45 days of flowering..
  3. marantz

    Pigs raided my home

    They can't read his emails if he does not give them a password.. They're not going to hire hackers to decipher a growers emails unless he is a international operator of some sort..
  4. marantz

    Humidity problem in small grow room

    In order to properly control Humidity you're gonna need a Dehumidifier, unless the source for your fresh air is stable all year round. Anything above 60% in flowering can cause disease issues. I'd look at smaller dehumidifiers that don't run at 600 Watts. I have a 70L Dehumidifier and it runs...
  5. marantz

    Early Harvest...

    Be selective of your herbs. The worst thing you can do is harvest early.. Your buds will taste and smell bad and will not get you very high. If you dont care how weed tastes or smells then go ahead i guess. Smoking unripe Marijuana is like eating an unripe banana or unripe tomato.. Sure it...
  6. marantz

    How To Deal With Trolls.

    If you know someone is trolling how can that bother you? you already know they are a troll so ignore it.. Complaining about trolls is like saying "I know fire is hot but i'm mad that it burned me when i touched it" By not responding to a troll, you completely stop it in its tracks.. Trolls...
  7. marantz

    Grower BEWARE!

    I'm saying you've only tried it on those plants. I and 100's of others have run it on dozens of strains in all stages of growth with no burning. Bayer is not to blame its not my opinion..
  8. marantz

    Grower BEWARE!

    Almost all systemic insecticides are used at 2ml per 500ml of water.... A regular dose of Bayer did not burn your plants, you either mixed it too strong or it was a reaction from something else. I've used 3 of Bayers main products for years and never had them burn one plant... I'm talking...
  9. marantz

    Grower BEWARE!

    Bayer Fruit & Vegetable (Imidacloprid) and Bayer Disease & Mite Control. (Imidacloprid & Tau-Fluvalinate) Those 2 products rule the pest battle in my world. I also use a No Pest Strip in a garden that has "lost control" or over run with pests. works like a charm...Then they go on a regimen...
  10. marantz

    Grower BEWARE!

    Which Bayer products did you use on your plant's that didnt work? How much did you use and how did you apply it? I've used the products i listed above after trying organic and other methods, and only Bayer's stuff killed the pests for good and it didnt give my plant's AIDS it made them...
  11. marantz

    HotShot No Pest Strips work great for spider mite control!

    Another happy user of No Pest Strips here. I have a grow in one of my bedroom's and have 2 cat's.. No problems, everybody is happy and no sickness, etc... These NPS dealies kill ALL pests, not just the ones you want to target. They even killed my spider problem up in the attic where the grow...
  12. marantz

    Grower BEWARE!

    I've tried several Bayer products on Marijuana and never burned anything. I've used Imidicloprid, Tau-Fluvalinate & Tebuconazole with no problems at all, including use on rooted clones... I'm sure they told you dont use anything Bayer on Marijuana because that is against "Federal" law...
  13. marantz

    Willie Nelson

    There are 2 seedbanks selling willie nelson seeds.. One is Reeferman, one is Barney's.. Reeferman Collective is the original breeder of Willie Nelson. When the breeder left Reeferman he brought his "clones" to Barney's... The original mother and father plants remained with reeferman...
  14. marantz

    Reeferman seeds

    Been growing Reeferman's Willie Nelson and love it. Those complaining must ride the short bus...
  15. marantz

    Anyone ever used GoGnats?

    GoGnats does have a strong cedar smell, which is nice in my opinion. It disappears quickly. I sprayed GoGnats on different strains about 2 months old in veg and it lightly burned most of them by creating a white "spotting" on the leaves.. I mixed less than the bottle recommended. I currently...
  16. marantz

    Sulfur vaporizer info, questions

    Any updates on this thread? There is such a serious lack of information on sulfur burning and it would be nice to get your experiences... Thanks!
  17. marantz

    PM-sulfur burn-in tent

    Did you ever end up burning the sulfur in your tent? I'm facing a similar situation, and there seems to be little information on the web about doing this. Just wondering your experience and conditions, take care.
  18. marantz

    Fungus Gnat Solution???

    Awesome! That's what i'm talkin about. Now you know, as soon as you see those things again, hit the soil with a drench, they wont be around long :) what i like about Azamax/Azatrol is this same mix works for most pests :) I got rid of root aphids with the same application, and i hear it...
  19. marantz

    Fungus Gnat Solution???

    Hey how's it going endcycle, are the gnats getting their ass kicked yet or what?
  20. marantz

    Fungus Gnat Solution???

    Awesome man, that's the way to go. Dont forget to water the pots from the bottom from here on out during the Azatrol/Azamax cycle... that will allow the layer under the perlite to dry out with azatrol/azamax in it, and no bug will want to live in that environment .Hit them at least one...