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  1. T

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Im just starting a 12/12 from seed, I have seedlings now but only have a 250 mh and hps bulb. will this be too much for seedlings or should I just go straight in with the HPS or is MH more preferable for the "veg" period 12/12 growers still experience? Also how much lst can you do on 12/12 I...
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I was going to use canna, Ill have a look at your thread see how yours perform ;)
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    I read up on Coco and it seems the way forward for 12/12, what nutirent regimes do people use as most generic ones supplied are for a normal life cycle.
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    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hi guys this thread is pretty cool and seems like an appropriate place to ask a few questions with regards to my next grow. 1) How do you use canna coco outside of the a hydroponic set up and what nutrients do you use for the 12/12 from seed grow. 2) I will be using a 250watt HPS light and...
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    Im not sure mate, could anyone else clear that up?
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    Bearing in mind this is like day 45 almost and I got zero blooming going down. I have spoken to a few other who state that the light should be fine. My plants are massive with a definite bit of stretch on one but still seems healthy minus a few leaf burns. So it could be any of the following...
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    I might have to invest then, thanks.
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    250, that is less that what im using I assume the HPS is a better lamp all round then. Will have to look on ebay if nothing starts to happen.
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    well i will give it another week and see what happens, im getting preflowers but its just not budding or going for itreally, whats the heat like from the HPS my grow space is 60x60x120 cms with proper extraction so it might be ok. thanks
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    I might have to upgrade light then, but I have seen loads of diaries using a single 300 red envirolight throughout the grow with no issues.
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    300w 2700k not enough for 3 lr2?s :S Also it is possible that you could get a set of Lowrdyers that doing have the auto flowering traits, mine are getting two more weeks 18/6 maximum after that I will hit 12/12 and report the outcome which will hopefully bit sweet buds. But first time n all...
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    autoflowerer not flowering day 34

    I have the same issues mate, Im got LR2 under 300 watt red. Admittedly my plants suffered a little stress in the first 3 weeks as I re-potted 3 times not knowing that your not meant to re-pot auto's. im on day 40, in the last week afew calyxes have turned up and threw out a tiny amount...
  13. T

    G-13 x buddha and Lowryder #2 grow

    Cool breeze i'm doing a LR2 ATM its about 36 days from seed and still not clearly visible sex, does anyone reckon there could have been a dodgy batch of seeds?
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    LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

    its dead now :(, it clearly wasnt showing pistils and the ball started growing out of the internode on a new tiny branch. I think it was a bananna.
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    LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

    any ideas anyone?
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    LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

    Heres another pic, still no hairs in sight. This is a boy isnt it?
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    LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

    Yeah i know but i was impatient as always, I had anothercheck today and there showing the same signs. Hopefully by the weekend I should see some hairs.
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    LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

    Hi thanks for getting back to me. My plants are just hitting 30 days, they have been stressed a little as I underwatered and also repotted 3 times in 3 weeks. I know thats pretty bad hence my concern, im being optimistic though. The Evil M
  19. T

    LR2 hermie? or to early to tell...

    hi, one lowryder is starting to flower i think, however im concerned by what has appeard at the nodes. It is tiny atm and under the magnifying glass it looks as if it has a raised circumference possibly a calyx beginning to open? I hope lol. all advice is appreciated. Thanks
  20. T

    Need a little advice on a budget grow

    I have found the following lamp, would this be ok for auto flowering strain If I reduced it to 2-3 plants...