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  1. pinksrealm

    can someone delete my threads plx?

    hi can you delete these 2 threads cheers :) il be back
  2. pinksrealm

    PC Tower/Server CFL/LED Grow

    Hey, hows that uvb bulb effecting things? making much of a difference? might add one to my larger case if thats O_o. Check out my grow in my sig link, got some outstanding questions which i need halp on.
  3. pinksrealm

    Discount seed company

    Selection: 10/10 Price: 10/10 Service: Delivery a little slow, ordered on saturday, arived friday, but gave me twice the amount of seeds than i ordered, 10/10 Stealth Rating: slightly stealthy 5/10 Would you order from the same bank again: Yes Other Comments: i ordered 5 feminized Mataro blue...
  4. pinksrealm

    First Time Grow/Mystery Seed

    Good start bro, check out my grow, in my sig.
  5. pinksrealm

    Cooking without cannabutter[CANT SMOKE!]

    Make pound cake, easiest cake to make, pound of everything:- 500g self raising flour, or normal and a teaspoon of baking powder 500g butter 500g caster sugar 3 good size eggs add about a draw - quart of finely ground herb. put em into cake cases about a teaspoon of mix in each case and...
  6. pinksrealm

    hows this look for 5 weeks?

    Its looking better, but its kinda puny for 5 weeks, what strain is it?
  7. pinksrealm

    gibberellic acid for extra buds

    Hey guys, i was wondering about using gibberellic acid to increase bud growth. I i know that gibberellic acid is used in certain concentrations to make buds hermie for feminized seeds, but in lower concentrations on other plants it increases the flower growth massively. Any thoughts anyone?
  8. pinksrealm

    CFL buds

    Hey dude, love your buds they look sweet, not much but enough, and is it me or does that purple bud look like blackberry? ace buds :)
  9. pinksrealm

    250w hps ballast, will this work?

    Im only ever gonna be flowering 1-2 plants, and im trying to keep stealthy, im worried about infrared heat signatures and such. Also money isnt a problem between 250w and 400w because the price between them is about 4 pounds :\
  10. pinksrealm

    Wat is the cost to run 600 watts of LEDs?

    Which is heavier, a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?
  11. pinksrealm

    all i want is 2-3 oz

    Lumens are cumulative. If you don't know about cfls, don't claim to know with absolute certainty.
  12. pinksrealm

    250w hps ballast, will this work?

    I thought id better check with people who know more than me, i can read, but i dont know everything. and i dont want something too large im using a clf setup too so the hps is mostly supplimental.
  13. pinksrealm

    250w hps ballast, will this work?

    Just incase anyones wonderin, yes it will.
  14. pinksrealm

    250w hps ballast, will this work?

  15. pinksrealm

    250w hps ballast, will this work?

    Hi guys, im looking for a cheap solution for 250w hps grow setup, will this work for ballasting a 250w hps grow lamp? Cheers :D