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  1. roosba

    senate bill 660 is now public act268 of 2013
  2. roosba

    What are your favorite soil amendments?

    I use pro mix and add earthworm castings, bone meal, blood meal, and some beneficial bacteria to the mix. I will fertilize with some sea bird guano dissolved in RO water. Seems to work good for me.
  3. roosba

    what kind of work do the Michgan RUI people do for a living?

    disabled now but back in the day I was an HVACR tech. before that small engine repair. before that Military Training Instructor, and crew chief on c-5 aircraft in the USAF! always AIM "HIGH"
  4. roosba

    So Azamax sucks for getting rid of spider mites

    sorry to hear about the mites. I too had them about a year and a half ago. I sprayed with neem oil and found that it didn't cure the problem. I am now a firm believer of mighty wash! I used this product 4 times at 3 day intervals and they were gone. Wound up making hash out of the plants in...
  5. roosba

    Just made some ISO wash hash oil from a bag of trim I forgot I had....

    Keeping it frozen works good. I also use a SilPat baking silicone pad. I think it helps alot! I just made some with the rest of my 99% and have made it with 91% also. Makes some kick ass Brownies!!! PEACE
  6. roosba

    are there words of wisdom you live by?

    There are 2 rules to live by: 1) Don't sweat the small shit. 2) It's all small shit!!
  7. roosba

    How cold can my plants get?

    Just remember Glad, like c&t said there are two rules. I've found these rules to pertain to life. !) Don't sweat the small shit. rule 2) It's all small shit!!! glad you got your heat back, and your plants should be fine and a little purple if you aare lucky.
  8. roosba

    TGA Qrazy train-crazier than I thought

    Anyone can say what they want about Subcool, I've done 2 runs of jack the ripper and chernobyl. Both strains were and are pretty good tasting. the effects from the chernobyl are amazing. I started growing a cut of agent orange about 2 years ago and it turned out some very dank buds. they...
  9. roosba

    what r some of the heavy yielding fire strains in the ann arbor area or southern Mi

    I've found that most of the tga subcool's products to be great growers. I have grown chernobyl, (friggin great), jack the ripper, and agent orange. the agent orange was kind of a burnt orange taste and the jack the ripper is nice and fruity. like any plant, you get what you put into it. all...
  10. roosba

    Sick World

    just wanted to send my prayers to the families and those hurt by this. I am neither a republican nor a democrat, I am an American!!! I swore to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC when I joined the military. when I got out I still have the honor of doing so as a...
  11. roosba

    Belle was in bad accident.

    My prayers are with you Belle. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Backs can be painful (4 vertebrae fused, cages, rods and screws). Just hang in there, we are never given more than we can handle. You have a good man there with Glad and he will take good care of you. Just take things one at a...
  12. roosba

    uh oh......a "re-vote" on medical MJ in michigan in 2013???? WTF...

    That's just the problem! the general public are like cattle, they go where they are herded!! some of the general public is just that "STUPID"!
  13. roosba

    the help

    I finally harvested my JTR. it is fantastic!! fruity sick smell, kind of like ketone breath on a diabetic, sorry but that's what I think of when I smell it. the taste is great and kinda fruity. took mine 63 days in flower and cured for two weeks, (couldn't wait any longer) and it is...
  14. roosba

    Nice shirt

    cool shirts!! if you didn't show us the shirts, nobody would have anything to find fault with, or bitch about! lol
  15. roosba


    sorry to hear the bad news. on the brighter side you can take them to the jackson farmers market and sell them there as "feminized" seeds for about 3 bucks a piece. LOL! yes there are those idiots who do that!
  16. roosba

    Emergency watch now!!!

    NO, money doesn't make an honest man honest, it makes them go into politics!
  17. roosba

    Emergency watch now!!!

    that's great that you have acquired what you did in your life and I for one don't care what you have or don't have. Just remember one thing, you wouldn't have those big bucks if it wasn't for the woefully underpaid military that allows you to work all of those hours and make your great big...
  18. roosba

    Anybody know if the Jackson, MI Farmers market is STILL happening?

    not sure who the guy was that i bought it from but he obviously knew what he was doing. nice clean taste and good for some pain. Didn't want to just go to sleep. He was set up at the second table inside the door. Also bought a gram of chocolate chunk from motor city meds and that was...
  19. roosba

    Anybody know if the Jackson, MI Farmers market is STILL happening?

    was there about 3 wks ago and bought a little taster of the church from a grower there. PRIMO! excellent taste and good med. picked up some clones for a new variety. I still make it that way this weekend. we'll see
  20. roosba

    Happy 4/20 !!!!

    happy 420 Glad and everyone!!! I will be transplanting clones today, among other things!!!!