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  1. Homegrown4Life

    Really weird!

    It near the top yes. So are the others
  2. Homegrown4Life

    Really weird!

    Naw the stem was normal length. It was at the center of the fan leaf.
  3. Homegrown4Life

    Really weird!

    Ok this is really strange, has anyone else seen this before? There is a bud forming at the branching point of this fan leaf and a few others on my plant. I have never heard of that happening before.:confused:
  4. Homegrown4Life

    My THIRD and much more informed grow.

    Actually I grow one at a time for the smell. One plant doesn't produce much smell at all. I'm currently 26 days into flower, I'm just drooling over the thought of what she's gonna look like in another 26 days.
  5. Homegrown4Life

    My THIRD and much more informed grow.

    thanks dude! Yeah the light setup I have goin is working great. Your plant is looking really healthy too. Can't wait to see how she turns out. What strain did you say she was again?:)
  6. Homegrown4Life

    My THIRD and much more informed grow.

    Update: it's about a week after my week long vacation now. The drip system worked great. Lots of new growth!
  7. Homegrown4Life

    Dead Leaf tips

    No I wouldn't worry about it, it's a common issue. If yo start to see progressive leaf death tho you can start to worry. If you really want to fix it I can help but I need more information. Like what kind of soil and lighting. How often you feed the plant (give nutrients, not the watering...
  8. Homegrown4Life

    need some info

    Yes starting them inside will give your plants a head start. Allowing them to better handle outdoor conditions. It's not absolutely nessesary, just a way to better your odds of success.
  9. Homegrown4Life

    This may be a stupid question.

    Very cool, Iv been studying recipes for weed butter. I plan to use all the trimming for some tasty cookies or brownies. This plant is a feminized master kush. Everything is looking awesome, I have grape sized buds after just 12 days. I can't wait to see the final result.
  10. Homegrown4Life

    Considering 1st time grow!

    "Nutes" are nutrients, plant food basically. It sounds like you have a great spot to grow a large plant. Just make sure to water regularly. Weed will grow just about anywhere as long as you give it water, and it's not to hot or cold. Good luck guys!
  11. Homegrown4Life

    Once they start turning amber . . .

    This is very true, studies have been done that show amber colored resin glands are simply degraded. If you want to harvest at peak potency, you should do so when you have a majority of fully formed clear cap resin glands. Fully formed clear glands have higher levels of THC than cloudy or amber...
  12. Homegrown4Life

    Pot Shape & Size Question

    I believe I read that you can expect about 12 to 16 inches of vertical veg growth per gallon of pot volume. With that in mind you can buy pots according to the size you want to grow. Square pots are ideal for maximizing space but they tend to be harder to find in larger sizes. That's why I stick...
  13. Homegrown4Life

    This may be a stupid question.

    I was just wondering if it was common for fan leaves to be so fully covered with resin glands like this after only 12 days into flower. This is only my 3rd grow and I don't remember results like this before. Any input would be appreciated.
  14. Homegrown4Life

    need some info

    If you purchased your seeds from a vendor over seas it will take several weeks for them to arrive. For now I wod just focus on finding a good place to plant your seeds. If at all possible I would recommend starting the plants indoors for a week or two then transplant them outside.
  15. Homegrown4Life

    Seedling Issues

    Do you have any pics of the lil guy?
  16. Homegrown4Life

    need advise!!lights and supplies

    Are you going to use both lights for all stages of growth? Or use one for flowering and one for veg? Also how many plants are you planning to grow? Sorry, your questions raise more questions heh.
  17. Homegrown4Life

    My question... organic/chemical what?!

    This is actually much more simple than you may think. If you want to grow organic you can use a bagged organic soil from the store, or your own homemade compost. You can grow without fertilizer if you have a rich organic soil, but you will almost always benefit more from using and organic...
  18. Homegrown4Life

    is this final shape?

    From the looks of your pics, most of the pistils are still white. Typically you'll see a majority of them turn orange before its time to harvest. That's not the best way to tell tho, when you get your scope you'll be looking for cloudy and amber trichomes. If they are mostly clear it may still...
  19. Homegrown4Life

    first time

    My first grow was with nothing more than a hollowed out dresser, a small fan and like 6 20 watt cool and warm light cfl's. Looking back on it all I would have been better off with 3 to 4 54 watt cfl's. Two cool white and two warm white bulbs. They are fairly cheap.
  20. Homegrown4Life

    what if i used creek water

    No not always dude, the creek water would carry some trace minerals but it could also be easily contaminated. If you are set on using it, test the PH. Make sure your around 6.5 to 7 max. Maybe even boil the water a day before you use it.