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  1. freedaweeeed

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    ok m8 ill have a look on there.. will they get posted through my door in an envelope?
  2. freedaweeeed

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    what do the seeds cum in?? i pakage or just an envelope through the door? can eny 1 give me a site were to get cheap female seeds?
  3. freedaweeeed

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    cheers 4 the great advice man.. i have another small question tho.. are ak-48 seeds ideal for 1st time growin? ive heard they dont grow very tall but produce nice thick buds? when i get started ill keep you up-2-date with my grow
  4. freedaweeeed

    For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers..

    i just bought some ak-48 seeds. its my 1st time growin so avent got much xperience... do i just put them into a glass of water for at least 24 hours then put into soil?? if so could i use water straight from tap or let it sit for 24hours?? i have a small grow room just want 2-3 plants for own...