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  1. turbo diesel

    harvesting and curing -best write up ive found

    i think ill try leaving the leaves on my next girl to come down cant hurt to try nice thread btw
  2. turbo diesel

    nyc diesel

    i dont have a camera but ill try and get some pics up for yall
  3. turbo diesel

    nyc diesel

    32 views and not one comment.
  4. turbo diesel

    nyc diesel

    well i chopped my diesel and boy was she loaded. off of ten branches i got 176 grams dry been jarred for to days now and this stuff is bomb the high seems to last for ever. im filling my room with these babies .not bad for one lone seed i was gifted glad i took some clones. happy gardening
  5. turbo diesel


    i always take clones from bottom of my plants 4 nodes down cut on 45 and scrape then dredge in clone x and plant in pre made holes in pre soaked pro-mix then into humidity dome for 3 days misting regularly so far im at 100% survival rate
  6. turbo diesel

    Sativa with limited space help!

    super cropping is where u bend the branches so the tops are no longer the high point of the plant. id just tie her up tho
  7. turbo diesel

    Sativa with limited space help!

    yep thats what i would do.
  8. turbo diesel

    Basement Grow - Insulation? Yay or Nay?

    in my basement office i have reflectix on all 4 walls no problems but i run a dehumidifier and hold humidity at 50% temp stays steady at 76-78 with 2000 watts of hps running
  9. turbo diesel

    Mc Donalds

    fast food freestyle on you tube this is the funniest shit ever. i bet these boys burn lol
  10. turbo diesel

    friendly stranger

    i roll with linoleum floor tiles works like a ding dong seemed "natural" to me lol
  11. turbo diesel

    Probability of Twins in MJ seeds

    got a pic?
  12. turbo diesel

    Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics

    grate pics guys the purp is king amazing color
  13. turbo diesel

    what are my options here?

    thanks lil czr the only thing that changed in my room was the addition of a second lamp iv been going over the plants all them with a magnifying glass and tweezers like every hour when the "sun is up" and haven't found any thing else yet at this point im going to run them all out and start...
  14. turbo diesel

    what are my options here?

    back to the top! any one have any advice?
  15. turbo diesel

    what are my options here?

    do hermies tend to put off alot of male flowers i have not seen any thing new form so maybe i got it under controle
  16. turbo diesel

    Aquaponics Fail Grow Not enough Fish Poop for good Yield.

    this is a cool project . i grew some tomatoes on a raft i built frome fallen logs about 6" diameter. with some promix on it to get things started planted my starts and tied it off in the middle of the pond at the vocational school where i took horticulture. they grew grate! when we pulled it in...
  17. turbo diesel

    D.I.Y. Cloner

    cool ingenuity is a grate thing probly could have gone with just one thread tho. imho
  18. turbo diesel

    what are my options here?

    well i went and checked the girls and trannys lol but no new pods looks like the purp is going to be pretty seedy bummer a few would b cool but i think its fucked wish it was closer to being done id chop the fuck out of it dam im so pissed off about this turn of events
  19. turbo diesel

    friendly stranger

    gotta love them ass slappers lol this shit is so fuckin funny lol
  20. turbo diesel

    what are my options here?

    i was gifted cutting from a novice that i think got screwed from the start. her clone never made it to flower lots of problems with that one. oh well i found out what i was told was afghan kush is white widow sure smells like it and super gooey so im runnin 4 of that and four nyc diesel love...