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  1. I

    Ohio's Growers Thread :)

    I bought some pretty OK bud off another newb grower for the bagseed. I plan on using that since its my first grow and on a real tight budget. The buzz seemed mostly indica to me so we should be good on that, but about lighting... I only have a 25WATT fluorescent lightbulb in my closet and use...
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    hey man I saw your journal about your Kali MIst grow. I'm in the Cincinnati area also so you've...

    hey man I saw your journal about your Kali MIst grow. I'm in the Cincinnati area also so you've given me some faith that I can have a successful grow here as well. :)
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    Lemon G?

    I currently got an ounce each of AK-47, Sweet Tooth, and Haze from Cinci. Theyre all OK but don't think they were grown to their full potential.
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    Ohio's Growers Thread :)

    How's the weather here in Ohio for growing weed? I gotta do it 100% outside, maybe one of you could give me a little advice about growing outdoor in Ohio?
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    Ohio's Growers Thread :)

    southeast of Cinci here. :)
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    Best weed for selling & Making Money

    I gave a friend of mine an ounce of shrooms. He is now in prison for being stupid and selling it to high schoolers. Never again. though I guess that's a little different.
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    Fox Farm

    Do you think a 70/30 mix of Ocean Forest and Light Warrior would be able to sustain a plant through its entire life cycle? or would other nutes need to be added?
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    Fox Farm

    How many bags of Fox Farm Ocean Forest is needed for a 5 gallon bucket? The soil where I live has too much clay and I am a little tight on money, so am considering my options. Any recommendations on other (cheaper :p) organic soils? This will be my 1st time growing MJ and I want a good...
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    for those looking for a good read. guerilla grow guide

    Rangerdanger was awesome. I had a hard time keeping up in the original thread, what with people arguing about bears and silly stuff. I'm glad someone like you put it all together. It really makes it a lot easier to digest. Good read. :bigjoint:
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    First outdoor grow, need some tips

    SW Ohio represent! :leaf:
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    Anyone ever grow Texas strain?

    Good you're not going with 101, I forgot they copied everything off Ralph, lol. Ralph's the man. :) You should be able to dry them on newspaper with a fan. Just make sure that you turn them over occasionally to dry them evenly and so that they don't stick to the paper. Keep it humid, give a...
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    Can you help me design a Shroom Room

    Basically he's saying if one tray gets contaminated with bacteria, you better get rid of it fast or else it will spread (by air) to the rest of your trays and you will lose everything. Cobweb mold can be combatted with a little hydrogen peroxide, but everything else you're basically screwed...
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    Anyone ever grow Texas strain?

    Dude don't trust Spores101. There are much better vendors out there. As far as I know, all mushrooms shrink about 90% their wet weight and doubt this one would be any different. Unless you're selling I don't see how this could be a bad thing anyways. In my 2 yrs of growing, It's always been...