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  1. S

    Prop 19 Loosing Major Ground!?

    Yeah this stuff is real complex. I wish there were some classes to take or something. What a dumb ass.
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    NO! On Prop 19

    Prop 19 is no conspiracy theory. It's not about this person making money or that person making money, it's about rights. The man who got it put on the ballot would never have followed through with it if it was just about money. I personally am tired of being considered a criminal because I...
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    California: Whitman or Brown?

    We don't need a progressive as governor!
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    My newly purchased clones are drooping....need assistance.

    even though it's small you could still drop your light down a bit to about 24" and if they do fine with that you could try dropping to 18". Just because they're small doesn't mean they don't love light.
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    Can I switch from 24 hrs. of light to 18 hrs.?

    Cool thanks guys.
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    Can I switch from 24 hrs. of light to 18 hrs.?

    My plant just sprouted today and i'm gonna put it under flouros for 24 hrs. a day. After a couple of weeks or so I wanna move it to 18 hrs. a day under a 400W M.H. Do you think that will be ok or would it stress the plant too much. Any input would be appreciated.
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    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Here's my headband at 5 weeks. :weed:
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    RIU Check Up

    In hydro let it water for 15 minutes then let roots dry for about 4-6 hrs.
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    RIU Check Up

    Dude it looks like they are way to wet.
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    Need Help

    Yeah it happens to me sometimes I think because of lack of light so I clip them off every other week or so. They just take up unnecessary nutes. Also I never take off more than 50% off the plants leaves at any given time.:weed:
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    Outide now I'm bringin em in

    If you can you should leave them outside.:weed:
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    Gender ID @ 4 weeks?

    Yeah that happened to me on my first grow attempt and I kept trying to tell myself it was a female after all my work put into it, but then as time went on those ugly ass nuts kept growing and I knew I had to chop it down and try again. If you don't see white pistils it's definitely a male.
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    Are you using soil or hydro?
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    What is better CFL or HID?

    Definitely HPS for flowering, but for veg. I've seen some people grow good plants under CFL's so yeah it depends on what your working with. They're cooler and cheaper to run than HID lights. :leaf:
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    Do you think she's ready to be picked?

    Cool i'll make sure a wait a little while then. The worst that can happen is they'll get a little bigger, lol.:weed:
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    Do you think she's ready to be picked?

    Yeah that's what I was thinking too. Thanks for the advice.
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    1 week

    Great job, looking real nice!
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    Do you think she's ready to be picked?

    Hi everyone this is my first grow and I am at 5 weeks today. I was going to give her nutes for another 1 1/2 weeks and then flush with water for 1 1/2 weeks. Please let me know what you think.
  19. S

    First round oval leaves dying

    Yeah it's probably not getting the amount of nitrogen it needs. Also make sure you flush every once in a while so nutrient salts wont build up too much on the soil. Also next time if you can try getting soil with organic material like bat guano and worm castings.
  20. S

    Yes We Cannabis!!!

    Thanks Ford442. Those are some very interesting facts. I'm happy to hear that hemp has so many uses. Lol, is there anything mary jane can't do?