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    yes, that should be fine. you can get as close as a foot with a 600 assuming it is air cooled...

    yes, that should be fine. you can get as close as a foot with a 600 assuming it is air cooled, but just because its not hot doesn't mean that you can't burn the plants. The lights emit a lot of lumens, and while it is nice to give your plant ample light, you can give them too much and cause...
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    Hey, whats going on, hope you see this soon. Basics for germination: 12 hours of soaking in...

    Hey, whats going on, hope you see this soon. Basics for germination: 12 hours of soaking in distilled / purified water that is around room temp / 75 degrees. Then, put them between paper towels, making sure the sheets are very damp, but not flooding so that there is stagnant water. Consistently...
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    hey man, whats going on? I apologize for the delay, things have been very hectic lately. All is...

    hey man, whats going on? I apologize for the delay, things have been very hectic lately. All is well with your girls?
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    Who has the best air stones?

    Good one djphat, not exactly helpful to furthering the convo jc, although if you list the brands you use that'd be a major help :)
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    How Sexy Roots Does DWC

    Section 3: To “shed some light” on the proper way to choose and setup your HID’s or LED’s (growing puns!), there are a few important factors to consider. How many plants (at what size) do you plan on growing? How much space do you need to cover? Is there a limit to how much electricity you...
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    How Sexy Roots Does DWC

    The best median in which to grow your plants is a vastly debated topic; unquestionably it directly affects the growth rate, production rate and production quality of your plants. Deep Water Culture provides your roots continuous nutrient feeding and root zone aeration, allowing for the plant to...
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    LED vs HPS

    No more circles!!! Hey all, hopefully this can clear up the questions on LED vs. HPS (specifically HID)! Firstly, LED and HID lights are effective, but using them right since they differ in their output is essential to success. LED's, for example, emit specific frequencies of light that are...
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    pH Meter Question

    Hey colorado lovin, hope I can deliver some insight into your ppm woes. I too, when I first started working with DWC, used that meter and in short; its a piece of junk :-(. It was nearly impossible to calibrate when I worked with it, and when it finally was able to be calibrated, I found that it...
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    bubble box to root clones ?

    In my personal experience, despite the porousness of perlite and its sterility, hydroton (lava rocks) and anything like hyrdroton is better for your formation of roots because its shape allows for great airflow, and ample room for roots to move. When you think of circles stacked on circles like...
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    Ec and PPM

    Hey milehigh, this should ease your burning nutrient woes. Firstly pH up or down does not have any effect on lowering the ppm of your solution! In fact, it could raise the ppm since you are dissolving more into the solution. If you want to lower your solution, you have a couple of options...
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    Who has the best air stones?

    Hey Sive3l, what company are you talking about though? Can you attach a link to help out :)? Thanks again
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    How Sexy Roots Does DWC

    Hi Roll-It-Up! Sexy Roots strongly believes that Deep Water Culture done correctly is the best median in which to grow today. My goal is simply to help everyone I can to maximize their yields and increase the quality of their crops. Over the next few days I will be putting together a...
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    Worried Abour Helicopters.

    They actually are RF protected, as are most digital ballasts. However, even with the protection many of them give off strong signals, and Lumatek has the lowest RF signal. :) I prefer them to be honest because in addition to RF protection, they are extremely efficient and versatile in their uses
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    Who has the best air stones?

    Looks like the same ones I have, yet I am finding that with aggressive feeding regimens, they seem to clog. On the off chance that clogging is the problem, are there special solutions for cleaning? I'm also still looking for anyone with recommendations. Thanks for the help!
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    Who has the best air stones?

    Hey all, I'm a seasoned veteran to the DWC scene, yet I still have trouble finding reliable air stones, suited for big plants and a high level of aeration. I have used products varying from aquarium stones, to micropores and active aqua air discs. So far, the Micropores may be the best ones I...
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    im almost done with my kush nice high res pics

    Very dark green leaves with the light colored flowers are always pleasant on the eyes. What kind of nutrients were you running for your soil / hows it taste ;). We're all waiting in dire anticipation!
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    Newb DWC feeding questions

    Herrrrroowwwww all again! So, I come bursting with information regarding everything! To begin, I would like to discuss a good debate about nutrient pricing / the effectiveness of them. While advanced nutrients is pricey, there are a few reasons. For one, they are imported over borders so...
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    Preperation to go BLOOM nonscence 24 hrs darkness?

    In plants, the circadian clock regulates about 5% of the genome (>1000 genes in Arabidopsis). The rhythmic function of these genes controls many processes, including and petal movements, the opening and closing of stomatal pores, the discharge of floral fragrances and many metabolic...
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    Root Gathering

    Hey 7ech, hope this answers your questions! When your roots web together, it does not pose an immediate threat to the health of your plants, but your not out of the woods just yet. As you mentioned, if you have a male then it is out of the garden, which forces you to cut the roots. Now, if your...
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    aquarium pump knot

    well, I can understand that :-p. Ok, so, while 60W may seem like a lot, it is a very small amount considering the important of its role in the system. However, there is a smaller one that also puts out a decent amount of power...