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  1. P

    Pepetual Garden Idea. JUST FOR FUN

    double post
  2. P

    Idea for future medical garden

    I own the house so if i felt like punching 6 inch holes for intake and exhaust (which i probably will) i can. Right now i am thinking of doing a 2x2 room with a 400w mh light for 2 mothers then put them above some fluros for the clones. Then in the 4x8 room ill have the two 1kw lights in their...
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    Idea for future medical garden

    lowerarchy- i'll add a dehumidifier onto that list for sure. How would you go about regulating how much fresh air is brought into the basement? Thanks for the input on the reflector. They seemed like pretty good reflectors as far as having a good footprint but i will have to check into...
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    Idea for future medical garden

    I had not considered the loss of force when calculating the right fan so i'll definitely change to a 450 then. The problem with setting my garden to take advantage of outside air is that while a good 6 months outa the year it'll be below 30f and even more of it 10f to bellow zero there would be...
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    Idea for future medical garden

    As medical marijuana has become increasingly popular i began brainstorming what i'd like for a garden. Whether i move to a medical state or wait for it to become legal here i figured i'd throw out what i was thinking and get some feedback from all of you. My budget would cap off at about...
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    Proper Ventilation for 2 1000watt cooltubes ??

    you only need 2 fans if you are doing two different duct systems(only do this if you want to do a sealed room or are worried about hotspots apearing outside your house). If you place a 500cfm fan in front of your grow lights (attached to your carbon filter) then you'll be fine the fan in front...
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    please critic my grow room plans before i make a mistake and waste money

    if you have to keep it under 12 why not purchase clones or sneak clones for a bit? I mean that would add two plants to your veg and two to your flower which would (in my mind) equate to an extra 50% yield. Not like you need clones sitting around 24/7. A method for keeping under your 12 plant...
  8. P

    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    Hey really like your grow. I am about to start up my own room of similar style to yours but am right now leaning towards the aquamist systems over the aeroflos even tho they seem really popular on here. Either way, sick grow and its nice to see you kept your head above water with your bumpy...
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    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    rent a helicopter and drop a few of those big boys on your patches :P
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    If you have ugly parents; how will the kids turn out??

    not to chime in so late but i believe the grow process and how old it is and how it has been handled effects the quality a lot more noticbly than genetics. (not to say genetics don't play a roll)
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    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    Whoa i definitely meant more than a day, i was using a day as similar term to "a sec" xD
  12. P

    NeL's guerilla grow 2010

    bah i trim roughly 8lbs of bud by myself and i gotta say i want one of those badly. It would save me a full day of trimming thats for sure that was the first thought that came to my mind as well. I have a buddy with a child who helps tend his plants because she has quite the green thumb, i...
  13. P

    Welcome to earth little girl :D

    Rise and Shine :P
  14. P

    a little fun with lst

    yea I've noticed a lot of growth evenly spread through the entire plant so i've been quite pleased. These lights have been wonderful to work with in combo with the lst. I'm able to get the bulbs up within an inch of the majority of the leaves.
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    a little fun with lst

    Hey all! So I've been putting aside cash for a grow room i plan on building so in the meantime i decided to start up 3 plants just to have a little side project. figured i throw up some photos for you all (sorry for image quality taken on 3.2 mp camera :/ will have to buy a 12mp+ for the room...
  16. P

    Venting idea when renting a place

    Hi there, I've recently been thinking of the best ways to vent air out of a grow room when it comes to heat. (i understand the concepts of ducting but haven't had the experience that i believe others have. I've got three ideas of how to cool my 5x7x7 tent. In it is 2, 1000 hps lights and some...
  17. P

    Should i flower? (pic attached)

    THE PLANT ISN"T DEAD! you can still recover don't kill her! Try transplanting her outside and see her recover wonderfully.
  18. P

    Guess my yeild win $10 via paypal!

    ima just point out that of all you jumped on him real quick. He said he would post in a day but instead of waiting a day you all harrassed the fuck out of him. you should all be ashamed of yourselves. It is one thing to wait a day then call him out but to never give him the chance.
  19. P

    Help needed for first grow tent setup!

    How easy are these to build? Obviously i would prefer hydro to dirt for many of the same reasons you sugested but i have 0 experience with cloning or even hydro for that matter. I've also seen a bit of those prebuilt systems, while i am sure its cheaper to build it yourself i definitly like the...
  20. P

    Help needed for first grow tent setup!

    I considered doing two smaller tents. Since my crop will be small since its just for me i could probably get away with doing one tent with a 400hps for veging and a 600 for flowering. Tho i think given the choice i would prefer one tent but thats just because i am interested in carbon filters...