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  1. DocGreen420

    Finally asking for help

    Or you can leech the soil like said before and then take this time to repot and add lime in your soil this will neutralize the pH better for future F*Ups Also it could be a magnesium prob I add 1tsp of epsom salt to every other gallon i use usually the feeding with no nutes
  2. DocGreen420

    am i where i need to be? advice?

    Run off needs to be clear and check the pH of it as well as the water your puttin in it. Let it recover then start adding nutes gradually like 25% a week 50% a week and so on let the plant tell you what it wants. Dont feed cause thats what the box says judge your food by how fast it grows and...
  3. DocGreen420

    Hows my closet grow look?

    Reduce heat and state what nutes are you giving, how often, and what strength also soil ph would be nice. Need more light as well looks like your running 26w cfls 6500k am i right?
  4. DocGreen420

    NEED HELP. Anyone Who Loves Their Girls Please Help.

    They will burst when they swell to the max. Remove some if you want to save for later if not justlet the thing grow feed flowering nutes and wait. Thats it:clap:
  5. DocGreen420

    NEED HELP. Anyone Who Loves Their Girls Please Help.

    yea it will look funny for a awhile but will fill out and then when the flower is ready for normal picking you have feminized seeds after you dry and cure them.
  6. DocGreen420

    What's your trippiest stone ever off your own crop!!!!

    That's the shit I'm talking keep it coming guys
  7. DocGreen420

    Question on how to change light cycles.

    During veggin extra light wont hurt, just run it for 24hrs to correct the cycle. Dark will hurt more than anything light wont effect it for 6 extra hours.
  8. DocGreen420

    What's your trippiest stone ever off your own crop!!!!

    So apparently Im just tripping maybe its acid flashbacks from years ago, I was hoping someone else has experienced this before.
  9. DocGreen420

    NEED HELP. Anyone Who Loves Their Girls Please Help.

    The plant was female then switched when put under stress of some sort. Hermie is the plants way of at least reproducing one more time, it feels like its not being taken care of so it takes on both genetics to asexually reproduce. The thing is the plant was female first then male, so the pollen...
  10. DocGreen420

    What's your trippiest stone ever off your own crop!!!!

    Has anybody ever smoked some shit that made your vision like ultra clear and hear water droplets massacre the sink as it hits. NO I DONT MEAN LSD or ANYTHING ELSE just herb. I mean all my senses were in overdrive no joke, I just sampled some of my girl in her last few days of flowering and I...
  11. DocGreen420

    Bottom Leaf Damage

    Ok we have all been there, maybe not quite there, but close. Has it shown signs of sex if not I wouldnt kill it use it as your guinea pig and start another seed. practice new shit on this 5 month old dwarf and see how it reacts then do it to your new plant there isnt much to understand on pH go...
  12. DocGreen420

    NEED HELP. Anyone Who Loves Their Girls Please Help.

    I will say this though dont go from one grow room to another without changing clothes cause it is still likely to pollinate your other girls.
  13. DocGreen420

    NEED HELP. Anyone Who Loves Their Girls Please Help.

    If this is your last grow kill it and be done with it, but if you plan on continuing to garden then keep it and seperate from rest. and let it produce seeds, these seeds are now femenized(meaning you wont really have to worry about it happening again). Shit I experiment on mine see what they can...
  14. DocGreen420

    is it time yet

    If you chop it down now you will probally miss out on an awesome bud swell that can increase your yield by up to 15-20%. Those girls look great but still look loose for that strain, meaning they have some tightening up to do. Flush when you see a halt in bud swelling as well as trichome color. I...
  15. DocGreen420


    Damn bro that sucks how old was it.:sad:
  16. DocGreen420

    need help

    To close to the light thats what it looks like to me. Where was it located on the plant and what do the others around it look like, take a picture of your plant and where the light is positioned
  17. DocGreen420

    Bottom Leaf Damage

    That right there is your problem, when you do that to the soil you feed uneven you have probally chemically burned those bottom leaves I would flush your plant with water and then flush that shit down the toilet get you some peters bloom food or something that tells you how to mix it per gallon...
  18. DocGreen420


    Ok that means your whole setup is wrong, point blank, 3 weeks old and only like 3 inches. My plants grow that in days and I use African Violet soil leeched of all its time release shit. So easy fix bro get you some soil, mix some vermicullite or peat moss and some perlite with it and transplant...
  19. DocGreen420

    What to do now.....??????????????

    To be honest it looks like you grew them with incandescents and they will prolly pull through but with all that stress from light cycle changes if it ever does produce it will prolly have balls as well as hairs meaning your gonna have a hermie, which is always not a bad thing. Seeing how lazy...
  20. DocGreen420

    please help me with a floro/mh question

    Well if you got the model number I can tell you it is usually printed on the end of the bulbs. If they are in the range of 5000k-7000k they can be used but they arent as efficient as the straight 6500k.