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  1. M

    Potassium deficiency??

    Took some readings on my temps in the tent was 78 low 88 high. i will try to lower the temps with more exaust and will also flush when i get home to see if that helps a bit. will use half stregnth solution and see how it goes. will keep u posted!
  2. M

    Potassium deficiency??

    leaves started turning bright yellow/brown on the edges only on new growth. old growth is still healthy looking some with tiny brown tips. problem started when i switch from Foxfarm to general hydroponics ferts(floragro, floramicro, florabloom). used about 2/3 of what is recommended for feeding...
  3. M

    Hydro Nutrients

    So i started doing my first Hydroponic setup. 10 plant system and my resevoir is an 18 gallon rubbermaid tub. now my problem im encountering is that my current nutes settle in a couple hours even with two bubblers and a 40gph pump for circulation is their any other nutes that disolve in the...
  4. M

    I think it's a bug

    I'm thinking it's a bug my 2 week old seedlings were doing fine but the last few day's they have started to look like they were getting eaten but i looked with a magnifiying glass and nothing... i sprayed them with Insecticidal soap so im hoping but any1 know what it might be? No replies in...
  5. M

    I think it's a bug

    I'm thinking it's a bug my 2 week old seedlings were doing fine but the last few day's they have started to look like they were getting eaten but i looked with a magnifiying glass and nothing... i sprayed them with Insecticidal soap so im hoping but any1 know what it might be?
  6. M

    Need help finding seeds/site to buy from

    thank you for the quick replies i will check out SpeedySeedz. and see if he could help me. thank you for you responses =)
  7. M

    Need help finding seeds/site to buy from

    Hi Every1 im some what new to growing but have had success growing seeds my brother has been giving me they have been very tall from 30-70 inches. but i want to get a decent strain that will get a decent yield per plant not per square meter. and will be under 36 inches and bushy for the space i...
  8. M

    Ongoing problem

    Yeah the soil is pretty well dry before re watering and i had a fan but do to some technical difficulties it's no longer performing (fell to the floor). u think stagnant air would be the cause? they are still in vegetative stage although i should start converting them to flowering they are...
  9. M

    Ongoing problem

    Lights are 3 100 watt cfl about 10" from the plant humidity im not sure of as i dont have anything that could read that. temp is 70-75. co2 is not being added as there my first plants so i just wanted to see how they would grow with what i had before i started to invest more in to it
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    Ongoing problem

    Hi i have been growing these plants for about 2 months now im not sure of the strain but the leaves tips turn yellow as well as the edges it seems to go away but out of three plants only one keeps doing it they receive same nutrients and same watering "when top soil starts to dry" here are some...