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  1. L

    ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize

    Hey Matt, thanks for the great resource! Tried my first run at your method a two days ago and have a question. I grated the pucks as instructed, and I came out with a lot of kief like material which looks simular to your photo with the microplane. But your next photos show nicely "chunky" bits...
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    Controlled Environment Agriculture by Shrubs

    Lookin amazing as always... at what height did you top them? And what was their starting height in 12/12?
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    Lucas Formula falling short on PPM for CoCo

    COPY AND PASTE FROM ANOTHER THREAD: Difference is what chemical it is basing it's PPM 'guess' off of. All PPM meters are EC meters that convert. I prefer to use the NaCL EC setting on mine, and then convert to ppm (.5) or ppm (.7) depending on situation using the scale below. The only...
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Can anyone help me? I contacted CAP and they didn't respond. I would really like to make sure I have this unit wired correctly. Thanks.
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    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Could anyone provide advice for wiring a C.A.P. MLC to a 3 prong dryer cord? CAP sells the cords but does not explain what to do; the problem is the 3 wire cord doesn't have a ground wire but has a neutral wire. CAP only explains what to do with 2 hots and a ground. Would it be safe to hook the...
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    CA 215 Growers: Do you rent? Better tell your landlord!

    Are you kidding? Talk about discriminating against low income prop 215 patients. And I believe that PRO prop 19 groups are the "bright bulbs" advocating growing in apartments, that is what prop 19 allows isn't it? So what is your point exactly?
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    CA 215 Growers: Do you rent? Better tell your landlord!

    From Growing your own supply of ganja may not be as easy as Prop 19 supports have led you to believe. Several California rental organizations are set to address the issue, and perhaps set standards outlawing cannabis gardens in wide sections of the California rental industry...
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    Falsehoods About prop 19

    So, are you a judge? Or even a lawyer? Didn't think so. So what you are saying means nothing. It's only your uneducated opinion. You can't say that prop 19 won't affect prop 215 patients. YOU DON'T KNOW! PERIOD. This will be left to California judges to decide. Obviously there isn't...
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    Interesting Site about Prop 19

    Keep posting? This was my first post on the subject. I've been researching all day and this site is not filled with lies. Your posts are filled with lies. Maybe you are in the pocket of the "Prop 19 Cartel." Let the people know the truth!
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    Interesting Site about Prop 19

    Dude why did you have to bring this fear mongering into my post? Prop 19 has nothing to do with the mexican mafia or the killing of children. Do me a favor and let people vote based on the facts and not some crazy BS you are coming up with. The mexican mafia will be killing children regardless...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Hahahaha.. I think you've got the right approach there.
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Dude you seriously made me LOL. Thanks for that. You sure know how to win a debate, call people who don't agree with you child molesters! LOL!! And no, you spelled ignorant incorrectly.
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Listen, I am not trying to convince anyone to vote no. I'm just sharing my concerns. And I am not worried about the police! I am worried about anti-pot judges using the vagueness of prop 19 to create case law that is bad for us. Maybe it's because everyone I know here in CA enjoys unlimited...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    WTF are you talking about? Seriously, you need to get a grip (and perhaps psychotherapy). That is by far the most ignorant, inflammatory, and flat out dumb statement I've read in this debate. You aren't doing your side any favors saying things like that. I can see I am wasting my time even...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    That's not what I said. And despite a few inaccuracies or "lies," those blogs contain legitimate facts that many people don't know about. (Really they both seem to be mostly speculation about what will happen if Prop 19 is passed.) I'm not following your logic about prop 215. Shouldn't we learn...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Jed, You missed the point of my post. I'm simply saying that it will be liberally interpreted by LE and judges. << THAT is how it works. I'm sure your lawyer will be happy to explain how ambiguous laws are put into practice by police and judges.
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    I respect your passion, but saying there is no reason to vote against it is tragically ignorant. Many respected pot activists don't support it. Many legal experts who are PRO LEGALIZATION also don's support it. It IS possible to do more harm than good by passing a vague law that was written to...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    My friend, with all due respect, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. If prop 19 does say that, it certainly is NOT clear; thus leaving it open to interpretation by LEOs and judges. What is clear in prop 19 is that someone may "Personally possess, process, share, or...
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    Interesting Site about Prop 19

    I think what it comes down to is that nobody knows for sure how the police, courts, and feds will respond if prop 19 passes. By nature, every law is open to a certain amount of interpretation by police and judges. The problem seems to be that prop 19 will allow too much of this. BTW, I heard a...
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    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    I learned a lot about prop 19 on The info on this site is pretty interesting. I read enough to vote no in november.