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  1. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    For sure. Too funny. Got early mother's day gift last night, 30 skunk clones. It was a busy night, thank goodess I had enough soil around.
  2. mjfriendly

    Mommy needs pot!

    K here is a link of different groups that can help u out, or at least guide u to where u need to go.
  3. mjfriendly

    Medical MJ saved my dog!

    Animals luv it. I have 4 dogs and I pulled males the other day. I set them on the floor in the hallway, by the time I got back they were all stripped. Just watch ur stash after they get a taste cuz they will help themselves. They even luv to chew stocks.
  4. mjfriendly

    Do I have any chance of getting an MMAR License?

    U need ur family doctor to sign for it, and another doctor as well.
  5. mjfriendly

    Mommy needs pot!

    I am in Ontario too. U need 2 doctors to sign. Hopefully she had a doctor she sees regularly should be one of the signatures as I understand it. Forget the name of the group in Toronto, do a search they can help u get it. I have to try and get it myself but I have no doctor so should be...
  6. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    Here is the latest picture, of my room
  7. mjfriendly

    Composting & bears

    Doesn't it take way long with the pile? I thought u have to always turn it too?
  8. mjfriendly

    DIY Grow Tent Help

    Sweet, got my vote! Sounds like its just what I need, ty
  9. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    Sorry to hear u lost ur baby. Is a sad thing, all the care we take with them. I am soil too. Pretty much all organic here. Hmm, the sand is nice touch funny I was putting seedings into cups today and was thinkin bout adding sand to the bottom. It's a bonsai thing,lol. Works well though...
  10. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    I have been checkin ur thread here and there, sorry bout Antoinette. I just started my new cycle too. I faired quite well so far 4 males of 16. The funny part is my son inlaw gave me my first round of seeds. He said they were lowryders and I had no clue they r autoflowering I thought they...
  11. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    Bin a while since I updated the progress in my secret garden. I am attaching a pic taken about 4 days ago, and it has been crazy busy in the garden.Since this photo was taken I have bumped up my exhaust by making a large carbon filter using kitchen sieves, white sheet fibre, crushed carbon, and...
  12. mjfriendly

    DIY Grow Tent Help

    Thanx, great vid! Think u solved my breeding tent problem. How were ur temps?? was it enough?
  13. mjfriendly

    Moonflower Advice Anyone??

    i have filed the seeds, soaked overnight then place in peat pellets and under floros. They don't seem to be doing anything and its been 2 wks.
  14. mjfriendly

    Composting & bears

    Great info guys ty, I was hoping to dump all my veggy clippings from kitchen into it. I have already been putting the ashes from the wood stove and egg shells into my gardens. The bear population here is high, I live in the woods, there are some real problems with them they r almost like lawn...
  15. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    Thanks, did that, but not sure if I keep them in veg room, under 400 watt 18/6 cycle or in seedling cabnet with flor lights on 24hr cycle.
  16. mjfriendly

    Moonflower Advice Anyone??

    I have always luv'd moonflowers but i don't seem to have any luck getting them going. I am on my 3rd attempt and it is driving me mad. I have a green thumb but WTF am I doing wrong? If anyone has an advice on getting some started plz let me know. I have one more pkg of seeds before I deem...
  17. mjfriendly

    Happy Birthday to is med permit a new grow room is imminent

    Congratulations, u lucky duck! Now the journey begins, happy growing.
  18. mjfriendly

    My first grow

    I topped a few today, and am freakin out about my clones, OMG they r droppy, I don't want to go to bed, worrin' way too much. I keep going in and spritzing, a few look better than they did.
  19. mjfriendly

    Northern Lights KC Brains

    Good call, I like it!
  20. mjfriendly

    Composting & bears

    Thanx, that helps. Isn't food the majority of compost though?