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  1. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Really? Where do you get your facts from? Here are the top 10 riches politicians in the U.S. I recommend counting their party affiliations: Michael BloombergIndependentMayor of New York City$16.0 billion[1]20082H. Ross PerotReformUS Presidential candidate1992, 1996$4.2 billion[2]20063Tom...
  2. N

    It's My Life ... !

    First of all... Cracker, despite your claims, you DONT KNOW ME...or anything about me. But I have no use for ignorant, greedy, self-centered right wing assholes who dont give two shits about their fellow man. Sounds like you fall smack into that category. I dont know anything about jobs in...
  3. N

    here we go with the jew hating

    I dunno where people here get their information? HAARETZ..March 24, 2010 Some 27 percent of Israelis believe that U.S. President Barack Obama is anti-Semitic, according to a Haaretz-Dialog poll conducted this week. Another 56 percent questioned said they don't believe politicians who call...
  4. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Really, cracker? We've met before....and I am a government worker? Do I fly a black helicopter? RU sure I'm not a DEA agent, you paranoid twerp? I wish I could remember you....hmmm....musta been at the White House...and you were the cracker with the Obama as Joker poster on Hannity's lap. Speak...
  5. N

    It's My Life ... !

    OK..I'll bite.....what part of the Federalist papers are you referring to? Please cite the appropraite text. Remember..this document was written by Madison, Hamilton and Jay to convince the NY delegation to support the Constitution. There were plenty of founding fathers that did NOT want a...
  6. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Yeah....lets argue about the Commerce Clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3)...and its recent application by the Roberts pseudo-constructionist Supreme Court in banning the growing of marijauna. Clearly, I dont agree with that decision, however the Commerse Clause has been...
  7. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Thanks for chiming in, man. I totally agree. I cant believe they are actually supporting this backwards bullshit in the 21st Century. The thing that disturbs me the most is way these people are essentially working against their own interests. The public option would have been the greatest...
  8. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Not sure where you get this from...but it surely isnt in the U.S. Contitution. The 16th Amendment deals with the power of taxation. I think I would be more respectful if you actually had a stated that this is your OPINION rather than an accurate representation of governmental functioning. The...
  9. N

    It's My Life ... !

  10. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Here are the facts on the FDA and the safety of compounds evaluated by them: Approximately 70% of drugs entering clinical trials complete Phase I, 33% complete Phase II, and 27% complete Phase III. Why do only 27% of new medications make it to market?....because 83% of new drugs from the...
  11. N

    It's My Life ... !

  12. N

    It's My Life ... !

    Read your Constitution again....majority rule was established by the founding fathers. Athens was a republic without a constitution. Republics are not defined by the presence or absence of a constitution. It is defined by the public being able to have influence on government. The word comes...
  13. N

    It's My Life ... !

  14. N

    It's My Life ... !

    "Altruism is the assumption that a person lives for the purpose of giving to others. The assumption that one doesn't have the rights to the fruit of one's own labors. " Actually...thats not true. Altruism is an ethical doctrine that individuals have a moral obligation to help serve or benefit...
  15. N

    It's My Life ... !

    ....and that help will come from...whom? Tea Party assholes who throw dollar bills at patients with Parkinson's Disease and spit on the sick and frail? Or...friends and family are going to be able to put together $100,000 so that the cancer patient living next door can get chemo? Maybe it will...
  16. N

    It's My Life ... !

    No actually...I dont have a private practice...I work for the Feds...providing health care to the neediest members of society...the people you think have no rights to healthcare or any other public assistance. Its my choice. No government bureaucrat forced me into it. Its why I become a...
  17. N

    It's My Life ... !

    I guess Rossman didnt have to take the Hippocratic Oath in South Africa, but he clearly WAS educated under apartheid. Ayn Rand my ass....its all about greed...narcissism....and the perpetuation of social and economic inequality. We, as citizens, have a right not to be fed poisonous food, not to...
  18. N

    Roots Clogging my Aeroponics System

    So....fundementally what I am hearing is that I am still at risk for root rot....and should use peroxide or chlorox to keep it from happening...and ....I should change my light cycle sooner ..rather than later...because the larger the root ball...the greater the chance that anaerobic problems...
  19. N

    Roots Clogging my Aeroponics System

    I am in the midst of my first grow with the Botanicare Aeroponics system. My plants seem to love it...maybe too much. My plant roots have made their way to the downspout from the spray chamber and they are on their way to totally clogging up the system. Can anyone help me unclog the system...
  20. N

    Love Triangle Problem

    I think you need to be having this discussion with both your current bf and current gf at the same time. Emphasize how u luv em both...and ask them for help in working this situation out. Being open...talkin like humans and being sensitive to everyones feelings is the only way outta this mess.