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  1. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    i REALLY HATE to break that bad news to you guys, i honestly feel sadened to say that my plant might have been sabotoged by someone. It's dead....:cry: on the flip side i have 10 healthy plants growing, i'll have to take them to the woods soon and ill post pics for you guys prolly in a...
  2. fiveoh

    Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

    hahaha can't wait to try that. Just need some good bud.
  3. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    haha thanks a lot man, it means a lot.
  4. fiveoh

    Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

    good man murfy, it's good to know there are good samaritans amongst us. but let me tell you something guys.. i put in a $100 worth and got only a few measly drops of oil. I think the better route would be to make cookies out of them. Just read it up on how to do it online. you have to make it...
  5. fiveoh

    Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

    take a chill pill and let the researchers do their job, and what you have suggested isn't possible... ALL HUMANS have cannabinoid receptors and it's there for a purpose. "all it would take is it knocking out the gene that causes cannabinoid receptors to be expressed, and that's it, you have...
  6. fiveoh

    Male or female???

    Dunno dude ...but thats a fine looking plant :)
  7. fiveoh

    Male or female???

    hey guys, i need some of your expert opinions here. Does my plant look male or female???
  8. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    thanks bud
  9. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    hmmm looks like they didn't...nuff said
  10. fiveoh

    Attention! Large Volume Growers - Did You Know?

    wow... poplars i really think you need to back your theories with current evidence which shows cancer cells adapting to cannacinoids or else you really need to stop preaching. Secondly it's the THC that cures cancer and in order to get the most thc the plant has to finish flowering and you have...
  11. fiveoh

    Cure For Cancer

    In the media such as news broadcasting, billboards, newspapers, EVERYWHERE...... this isn't a joke.. if everyone knew about the cure there isn't anything the corporations can do about it. unless they wanna arrest the percentage of the population who grow because they themselves have cancer or...
  12. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    NEW UPDATE: MALE OR FEMALE????? Ok so a few weeks a go we had a storm and it broke my plant in 2 places, no biggie i splinted it and a few days later it was as good as new. Here are some pics from today it's getting really tall and wide. Very likely that it's a male, what do you guys thing? On...
  13. fiveoh

    Run from the cure

    Hey guys this is the documentary of rick simpsons story of how he cured cancer. there are 7 parts to it, i'd redommend watching them all:
  14. fiveoh

    Cure For Cancer

    lmao, i know where he's coming from but let me tell you one thing guys, i made the oil yesterday for a 100 bucks worth of crop i got about 10 drops of oil(it's very little). the medication stays in your system for a much longer time period than when you smoke it plus its got 100% thc.
  15. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    all we can do now is pray haha
  16. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    it's good to be back.
  17. fiveoh

    Cure For Cancer

    right on man, i also hate ignorant, stubborn and closed minded people. To be real i have cut off contact with people like this. Unfortunately my own mom falls into this category, but i'm going to prove her wrong by actually helping my aunt with her cancer. Then well see what's up. i think...
  18. fiveoh

    First grow behind lcd tv

    don't worry man just take care of the plant and in no time yours will be as good as mine or even better.