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  1. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    Well....the little fawker plant of mine decided to show sex way to late...its a guy. a huge one at that. This years grow is now trash. Thanks for all the help and input guys. Will be back next season or possibly this year with an indoor grow.
  2. plantdreams

    Grow Update with MONSTER mother

    No lie that monster mother looks just like mine will in a given 2 weeks lol props man. subscribed.
  3. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    So I just found 2 little white spiderlings...any advice on how to keep these asshole away from my plant? They keep making webs on the leaves and its just annoying to see. I already put Bayer Complete insect killer all around at the floor of her pots diameter. anything else?
  4. plantdreams

    Transplanting Question...

    Good to know. Thanks!
  5. plantdreams

    Transplanting Question...

    Question on transplanting....should you give the plant any (no sun time) after the transplant? I did my transplant around 6 or 7 and she went the entire night under a roof, I just put her out under the sun...hoping nothing bad will happen.
  6. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    Thanks man.
  7. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    Update for you growers of outdoors: SHE'S IN THE NEW BIG POT LOL. I put some of that Shake n' Feed in the bottom quarter of the pot with the soil that I put in before I put the plant in. I watered her until water began draining from the holes and She's doing okay. Lets give her a few days and...
  8. plantdreams

    Can Someone Help Me Out Here?

    lol just hoping it wont dry out and look like crap. but i had a feeling thats all there was to it.
  9. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    Thanks lol didnt get to do it tonight. Will do tomorrow night! or fuck it...should i go out there now and do it? Thanks man lol enjoy What?!?
  10. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    whats B1???
  11. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    yeah sorry not you. but some other guy who chimed in. Im gonna do it tonight anyway so yea. Wish me luck.
  12. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    Update: I forgot that I was transplanting tonight, and I went and neem oiled the entire plant then rinsed with a hose so now the soil is pretty moist, nothing crazy, but most recommend you transplant when the soil is dry, we'll see how it feels tonight. Opinions please!!
  13. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    I wish. I love a tree, but i just bought that^^^^^^^pot, and it seems plenty big to get a decent what you think?
  14. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    The pot below is what I'll be putting her in tonight. Wish me luck!!!
  15. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    aghh but I feel as if I plant it in the ground it'll grow like a huge tree, and I cant have a tree lol. I just bought a huge pot, photos will be up tomorrow. I am alllmostttt positive that its a girl :D
  16. plantdreams

    10 gallon grow bags big enough?

    Allison Skotte!
  17. plantdreams

    Please Help!! Is this a Fungus?

    Maybe its just one of those hairs drying out?? Looks like that to me...Goodluck!
  18. plantdreams

    10 gallon grow bags big enough?

    10 gallon should be alright. Dude....who is the girl in your avatar????
  19. plantdreams

    PlantDreams 2010 Outdoor Fun

    I was thinking maybe probe the dirt from a drain hole and make sure its dry through out? Or it doesnt even have to be that dry? I watered it yesterday and already today the top seems does tomorrow sound for a transplant?
  20. plantdreams

    How to make your plant turn purple?

    to me a good green looks the best. Purple reminds me of fall lol.