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  1. boneyards

    4 consecutive gold medals in women's hockey for CANADA!

    The Canadian girls got lucky today. Don't think it's gonna be the same in the men's tomorrow. U.S has looked sharp the whole tournament.
  2. boneyards

    Best video game to play while baked

    Wow beats out any game fo sho when I smoke. You can pvp, dungeon grind, troll on trade chat if you want some lols. You can do pretty much whatever you want to do with yer baked self.
  3. boneyards

    Metal - Death, Black, Djent, Math, Thrash, Grindcore, etc...

    Yess!!!!!! carnifex ftw
  4. boneyards

    Your Stoner Lingo

    I call my dope the Scooby doobersteen. =D
  5. boneyards

    who to start in fantasy football running back week 4

    Play alfred. I've got him on my fantasy team and have been waiting for a break out game. Raiders D is nothing special. A good as week as any.
  6. boneyards

    Check out my lovely c99 :)

    Mmmm mmmm yummmy! Some fat nugs you got going on there bro. Looks like my ny diesel I grew a couple years ago. Those buds are really starting to swell. You sweetening those babies with mollasses?
  7. boneyards

    Right supplies for first grow box

    I've been reading this thread and the only thing that gets me is why do they call you the amish fucker
  8. boneyards

    NY Diesel

    A great smoke and one of the easiest plants to maintain. Can't go wrong with ny diesel. Wish I had some atm. Smoking on straight brick weed now :/
  9. boneyards

    Mylar alternatives?

    The inside of a potato chip bag! It's kinda ghetto but if you are short on cash it's a good alternative. :)
  10. boneyards

    Where can I buy ladybugs?

    What good are a thousand lady bugs?
  11. boneyards

    Battlefield 3 let's squad up!

    My gamertag is tasersrfun. Won't be back on until the 25 when I get internets again.
  12. boneyards

    good weed or rip off?

    Around here 3g's for 20$ is straight swag. Looks like a good deal to me sir.
  13. boneyards


    Fuckin fatties
  14. boneyards


    i say if Texas wants to leave, then fuck em. Next time there's a fire outbreak. F5 tornado's or extreme drought, Don't come knocking on the white house door for help.
  15. boneyards

    $30 Grow Tent

    Get it bro. Just make sure you clog up all the light leaks!:bigjoint:
  16. boneyards

    Rock*Star's first Hydroponic Grow DIY DWC Pure Kush Strain

    I love rockstars! they are soooo delicious when I'm baked. Anyone else agree? Nice roots btw =P
  17. boneyards

    White Widow & Red Hair in 100% COCO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BY Z I B R A

    Wish my WW from nirvana looked that pretty :bigjoint:
  18. boneyards

    First Time attempt

    I think our friend here is using MG soil. Stuffs no good for your meds. It has chemicals in the soil that feeds it everytime they are watered. That is what is prob giving your plants the nute burn.
  19. boneyards

    so going for a 30 lb yield....

    30 lbs? with 2-4 600w's. Lmao