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  1. MR420MIKE

    1st time medical grow

  2. MR420MIKE

    my very first grow White Widow Max (LOTS OF PICS)

    Well... how much did it weigh out? I just read this whole thread. Awesome job bro!
  3. MR420MIKE

    Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

    Guns NEVER discharge accidently... someone has to pull the trigger. I love how the cops always have excuses.
  4. MR420MIKE

    Cloning technics

    If using Rockwool, how moist do you keep the medium? I have some sitting on an air stone with water BARELY touching the bottom of the cube. Then I have some that are just in a tray with a dome over them.
  5. MR420MIKE

    Is this what I hope its not? <SpiderMites><Pics>

    Look under the leaves where the spots are.. if you see little tiny white eggs and or little tiny black bugs you have mites. If not then I bet it's another issue.
  6. MR420MIKE

    light cycle

    Oh yea true.. I do that.. I thought he meant just doing straight 16/8 veg then going straight to 12/12... You at least want to start at 18/6 then work your way down a few days before changing to 12/12. Thanks for that heads up.
  7. MR420MIKE

    Fungus Gnats + rep

    I just bought nematodes. Gonna try them out. Also got 1500 lady bugs for the other critters. Next step is the (BT).. Thanks guys for the input.
  8. MR420MIKE

    Fungus Gnats + rep

    Awesome idea thanks for that!
  9. MR420MIKE

    Organic DIY pest control

    I've gotten rid of quite a few gnat larvae and aphids and other non-id bugs using potato chunks on top of the soil. Leave them for a couple days or so then throw them away. The bugs LOVE the taters and burrow holes in them.
  10. MR420MIKE

    how to get rid of fungus gnats?!?!?!?!

    Ladybugs help with gnats at all??? I'm gettin some tomorrow. Tired of using that insect. soap.
  11. MR420MIKE

    Does using H2O2 and water to cure plant of gnat larvae hurt your plant???

    I'm getting some lady bugs tomorrow.. do they help with gnats at all? Those gnats are bastards! I've done the potato trick.. and I've removed quite a few larvae but the gnats keep coming back. I have sticky traps everywhere and they have caught a ton of them.
  12. MR420MIKE

    mircle gro frys?

    :wink: I agree. MG fert aint' bad stuff, it's just how you use it that makes it bad. The soil is something else though.. wouldn't use the soil. I made the mistake of using a soil for roses and you really had to be careful when adding nutes. Plant Success tablets are good for a nuteless...
  13. MR420MIKE

    light cycle

    Yea 18hr light min for veg.. I did 20/4 and it worked great. Some do 24hr light. I haven't yet heard of anyone doing a 16/8...
  14. MR420MIKE

    New grow

    Haha I like your response! :D
  15. MR420MIKE

    New grow

    Got my OMMP card and got my room almost finished. Just need to find Mylar. Enough room for 24 veging plants and about a dozen flowering plants. Running 4 6500K fluorescent and 2 5000K fluorescent bulbs for veg and a 1000w HPS Xtrasun bulb with Xtrasun hood. I just took these out of starter cups...
  16. MR420MIKE

    1st timer new transplant

    Got my OMMP card and got my room almost finished. Just need to find Mylar. Enough room for 24 veging plants and about a dozen flowering plants. Running 4 6500K fluorescent and 2 5000K fluorescent bulbs for veg and a 1000w HPS Xtrasun bulb with Xtrasun hood. I just took these out of starter cups...