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  1. Il Cuoco

    Do plants like music?

    I was tiding up my ceiling (where i keep my growroom) when found an unused usb stereo whitch must have been there for long. I put some sweet music in a usb stick (like some aphex twin, bethoven, bach, red hot chili peppers, oasis and so on), plugged the stereo and turned it on. I also...
  2. Il Cuoco

    Leaves getting curly and looking stressed

    I've already done this. (this is the second topic i post as in the previous one I had been told exactly to rise the lights...but with no result) I'm getting mad as no matter what I do but plants keep growing like that
  3. Il Cuoco

    Leaves getting curly and looking stressed

    I also regularily spray some nebulized water over the leaves as soon as the light turns off...soil is always wet... potassium deficiency? i've just looked at some photos about it but it's definitely not a potassium deficiency...
  4. Il Cuoco

    Leaves getting curly and looking stressed

    Well guys i let you know the temp IS ok as the lamp is 60-70 cm (25-27 inches) distant from the plants and i'm growing in my ceiling. At night it even gets cold up there and i have to keep an heating fan up to keep temp ok... I mounted it the way it just heats the room up without pointing...
  5. Il Cuoco

    Leaves getting curly and looking stressed

    I have lowriders under 400W hps 20/4 hours light cycle. Temperature is ok, humidity is maybe a bit low but i regularily spray water in the dark hours to make it a little higher. They're one month and a half old, and i gave em the fertilizer two times at 50% dosage... Everithing should...
  6. Il Cuoco

    How much does Weed cost where you live?

    probabily the hash you can get there is made by someone who actually makes it out of good weed he probabily grew. Here the hash you get has been made hash and not weed just for transportation and duration comes from maroc and has to make a long journey. Hash takes less in terms of...
  7. Il Cuoco

    Please Help me - New Leaves are getting pale green - yellow

    I flushed and gave some nutes... Now the plants look healtier but still with yellow leaves...despite they seem to be getting greener...
  8. Il Cuoco

    unable to pinpoint problem - require other opinions - 3 easy ryder, ww & mekong high

    looks like your using some kinky soil from your backyard...or a 100% organic soil witch makes it too compact when watered and doesn't allow oxigen to be assimilated by roots...may turn in to root rot and is a pain in the ass. Change soil
  9. Il Cuoco

    Curled leaves and bugs with pictures

    Pesticide spray for the ambient and organic pesticide (neem oil) for the plants... i had the same problem and fixed it his way
  10. Il Cuoco

    Over nuted plant

    you should flush aboundantly and maybe change the earth of the pot by removing the plant and gently flush away as much old earth as possible... i saved my last yeld this way! ;)
  11. Il Cuoco

    boys or girls??.....again!!!!

    males...males...males... get rid of them before they pollen the females!
  12. Il Cuoco

    Holy wattage!

    I'm not from canada but i'm in the pretty same conditions: i grow in an attic, and in winter the temp drops down at 24 degrees farenheit. The solution: During the day the 400w hps keeps the room warm enough at 80 degrees... and when it turns off, the same timer it's plugged to turns on a 650w...
  13. Il Cuoco

    Beginners Outdoor Advice . .

    I'd plant autoflowering seeds: the fewer time you keep the plants around, the better it is. ( In the same time you'd get one yeld, with Autos you get 2 yelds, maybe in two different places). Also think about SCROG to keep the plants low and can find lots of information here...
  14. Il Cuoco

    my plant stopped growing

    Maybe it is just still always see only half the plant growing!
  15. Il Cuoco

    Please Help me - New Leaves are getting pale green - yellow

    OK, thank you... i'm trying with some new casting and cross my fingers... will keep this thread update see ya!
  16. Il Cuoco

    Please Help me - New Leaves are getting pale green - yellow

    I'm using a mix 80% universal soil, 10% styrofoam and 10% expanded clay...the same i used for my last outdoor cycle without experiencing any problem... I'll try adding nutes as soon as the soil drains up from the last watering...let's see what happens! PS: In case it was a nutrient deficiency...
  17. Il Cuoco

    Please Help me - New Leaves are getting pale green - yellow

    According to the sticky about diagnosing marijuana problems i think it may be an Iron deficiency: Anyway, I'm absolutely not sure about that.:confused: I leave some infos about the setting: Temp always between 75 and 80 degrees I've never added any nutrient as the plants are still 3...
  18. Il Cuoco

    first grow...first thread...easy ryder and badseed PICS!

    We're at the close to the end i see...very good!
  19. Il Cuoco

    --- EaSy RydErs ---DIY 400W HPS --- First Time Indoor ---

    checked. nope .... shitttt why they're they like thizzz?