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  1. G

    Can someone confirm my worst fears?

    those are definately chicks with dicks
  2. G

    Pure Power Plant (Nirvana)

    i 'm in week 4 of flower using an oxypot and my ppp is hardly smelling at all (inside under 250 watt hps) This is why i grew this variety because it is recommended as not smelling much while in flower
  3. G

    Pure power Plant???

    mine r just in 1 week of flowering and are squat bushy will tolerate light being 9 inch away. has a tendency to grow tall so i nipped 3 tips off in week mate has just finished his crop and the taste and high are great
  4. G

    Need your expert input

    try smearing the pots in vasaline or copper wire arond the ground
  5. G

    ph in oxypot is always too high

    yes for 12 hrs alleast
  6. G

    ph in oxypot is always too high

    im using canna vega and the tap water is of a soft water kind at 6.8
  7. G

    Need your expert input

    try and get hollands hope seeds the shortest flowering and hardiest plant i know
  8. G

    my ph goes from 6.5 to 7.8 every day

    i use an oxypot and tap water that has been left to stand for 24 hrs before ph goes from 6.5 to 7.8 every day and i use lemon juice to neutralise it but hours later it goes back up to 7.8 pls help
  9. G

    ph in oxypot is always too high

    my ph is running at 7.0-7.8 and i use lemon juice to bring down to 6.5 but later that day it goes back up to 7.8. i have to lower it twice a day .Is this ok