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  1. S

    Help, Should i stART to force flower????

    Well I have to disagree!! There is nothing wrong with forcing a plant to flower.. Infact I see it's quiet usefull to indoor growers seeing how heights is a big issue for most indoor growers... As long as your plant is a good foot+ tall and has alot of promising nodes for bud development then I...
  2. S

    Hermie????? Can bannana grow out of cola?????

    I have heard.. If you keep a plant in flowering too long, it will produce male organs in an attempt to survive.. But those look fucking weird! lol
  3. S

    my plant died!!!

    Well the only thing you can do is figure out what's wrong, what happens and make sure it doesn't happen again, sorry to hear about your plant bro... Learn something then lesson learned
  4. S

    Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....

    I'm sorry for making such a big deal out of this... but please help me! :) I went to the hydro store.. they said that I should flush it with 9 gallons of water today and tommorow and then let it dry out,any other helpfull information would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  5. S

    Bugs attacking my plants please help?

    Yes, I chopped it up and put it around the plant.. you need to change it every 5 days, i saw one starting to mold and more growing roots! lol a fresh clove of garlic will do the trick! :)
  6. S

    Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....

    The way I transplanted it..... I tore the sides of the old pot off.. to where it was just a big glob of dirt.. and slowly kinda patted the dirt away from the root ball, At one point i went to lift the plant, and i heard a slight tear... and then started patting the dirt off again untill it was...
  7. S

    Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....

    Shamelessly bumping my own thread... I'm very worried about it and want to know what I should do to help cure this problem.... Is it too late? Should I call it quits? And start over?
  8. S

    Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....

    It is in the flowering stage.. 12hours of light/ 12 hours of darkness... I gave it a little bit of nitrogen rich Fert up untill 2-3 weeks ago
  9. S

    Bugs attacking my plants please help?

    I had a big bug problem.. threw some chopped up peices of garlic on it and it's all good now :)
  10. S

    Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....

    on a scale from 1-10.. how bad does it look? do you think it's nute burn? or a def.? if it is nute burn.. should i flush it?, I'm using way less nutes then it tells me too.. and it only takes a min or so for the water to leak out of my soil...
  11. S

    Please help me.. ='(, Drying/Curling/cruchy leaves, My first grow |Pictures|.....

    ... So the plant is about 50 days old... Started outdoors, moved indoors for flowering... after moving it indoors for a couple weeks, got the first sign of a nug on top... I decided to take it out of its current pot which was a 10 gallon mammoth pot full of OLD soil and new compost... During the...
  12. S

    Lots of pictures!! Big sexy plant!! needs a doctor!! Help please!!!!

    Please.. Any helpfull information... I've looked all over, I'm assuming its some kind of either nute lock?(I just flushed it) or deficiancy
  13. S

    Lots of pictures!! Big sexy plant!! needs a doctor!! Help please!!!!

    What is your experience level? First Timer Your Equipment: .1) Type and wattage of lights. 4 65 watt florecenc, and 1 Cfl .2) Distance from tops? There on the sides, less then 1 foot away, the cfl sits inside the pot about 3" away from the plant, I move it around it weekly .3) Reflector type...
  14. S

    First ever grow in soil, 1 week into flower - no nutes used

    Might I just say those plants look incredible... Straight out of hightimes... Congratulations I'd be interested in knowing how much your yeild was :)