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  1. I

    Someone stole my plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i took them.... do summit about it you battyhole
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    Too long

    what u shud do is smoke it.... and if it gets u high then who cares!
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    Prey Mantis

    shut ur face it obviously photoshopped stoooopid!
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    Am I Weird For This???

    well basically im a freak and ill try anything but l8ly ive grown accustomed to shitting on my naked grandma.... i kno its wrong but its such a turn on!! am i really weird for this??
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    poo in a glass and drink it
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    Question About Anal Sex

    tie her down and shove ur dick up in there, if she screams to get off then punch her in her head until she stops screaming the key is to FORCE her to do it!
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    Prey Mantis

    you are a liar
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    White widow 10 weeks to flower?

    i think it was meant to be a joke mate lol
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    what to do with left over leaves and stalks

    your talking about the trichs mate. get urself a coffee filter and shake em up!!
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    The Church ~ Seed/ Strain Review & Smoke Report

    im growing this strain outside, as it was a freebie i didnt really giv a shit about it but based on ur review i think i will have to invest some TLC into the plant rep!
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    I'm Gonna Start Rapping For Fun

    LMAO dont we all mate!
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    I am disgusted!!!

    i feel like a 15 year old teenager buying weed for the first time again.... im goin to delete my account im so ashamed :( what i really want to kno is why a grower would do that for?? there must b a reason good enough for them to do it
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    I am disgusted!!!

    but its not just coke its mixed with all sorts of crap, ill get a pic 2moro my cam is shit tho
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    I am disgusted!!!

    i bought some weed earlier of a guy ive never bought from before, it looked like some frosty bud bt after a friend told me about the dealer i was appalled!! the guy was sprinkling coke, sand, glass and all sorts of crap on the plants! now i know this is nothing new but i havnt seen this happen...
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    Bud Flavor - Does it exist?

    studies have been done on this and the definitive answer is NO it does not exist!!!
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    Please tell me what this is?????

    someone shud have slapped your mum.... like honestly
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    Please tell me what this is?????

    your gonna trust some random guy on a weed forum about electrical equipment?? i sure as hell wouldnt let any stoned mofo near my electrics! that will blow up!
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    Please tell me what this is?????

    I had no idea RIU allowed members of the KKK to join! disgusting behaviour!
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    Please tell me what this is?????

    shut your face you racist, go put on ur white robe!
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    Please tell me what this is?????

    thats very offensive, you should get banned from this site you shithead!