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  1. vairocks

    1st Practice grow Journal (using bag seeds)

    :( dts sad matchbox. ur so klose n now dis hapens....anywz d oder plants r lukin bri8...hope to c dem grow fully...;)
  2. vairocks

    DWC Black Domina

    cool grow man !...subbed...
  3. vairocks

    THC Bomb Ever Heard Of It???

    de luk tasty man....hope ur enjoiing smoking it...;)
  4. vairocks

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    de luk thriving....time fr a spliff...;)
  5. vairocks

    Indoor Grow Velvet Bud

    cool piks...;) like d series 1 to 9...d world gets even more better place to live if ur high...
  6. vairocks

    400w HPS/MH First closet grow!

    straight n simple...good job it ! ;)
  7. vairocks

    1st Practice grow Journal (using bag seeds)

    ow dts wat i call progress....wel done mate...loved ur setup...! i dnt hate ur li8s nw...:P n liked ur kooltube...jst perfect...sure bobs our unkle....fasten up ur seatbelt kos dis is goin to be a ride....catch u later...adioz !
  8. vairocks

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    incredible piks...
  9. vairocks

    GreenHouse White Widow Feminized in Aero

  10. vairocks

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    sory credits driven back to bajafox...! ws too high to notice d ids....2days stuff ws strong....:)
  11. vairocks

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    awesum machnak...simply awesum grow...;) :joint:
  12. vairocks

    Ganja Geeks 6 Strain 2000Watt Perpetual Grow

    subbed...:) nice grow dude..
  13. vairocks

    Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg

    mmm those buds luks juicy to me...:)
  14. vairocks

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    @macknak mmmmm realy bro u got an arsenal wit u....sweeeeeeeeeeeeet :D so lush green i m in love wit d kolour...(L) keep up d gud work bruv...;)
  15. vairocks

    1st Practice grow Journal (using bag seeds)

    luks gud matchbox...! bt if u ask me i kinda wont support that LEDs u got...:P den again if its gud fr ur ladies its gud overall...interested to c hw u build ur kool tube n carbon filter...i can grab sm help frm it fr my next grow....take gud care of d mother shez gonna bring u fortune ! enjoi..
  16. vairocks

    Indoor Grow Velvet Bud

    gud simple as it cud b...
  17. vairocks

    400watts And Runnin' | Grower Witta Aditude

    sweeet lukin mouths watery....:) keep up d gud wrk...soon ur gonna enjoi those buds to d full....awesum !
  18. vairocks

    First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

    wow...seen smthin gud after a very long time....hv to agree with silent runnin....those r SEXY indeed ! love em :D !
  19. vairocks

    200 gal resevoir hydroponic KOI POND outdoor grow.

    ders a probability of 72% that ur an Aquarius or most likely to be a Sagittarius....:P unique tho nt interestin to me...:$ no hard feelings bruv...because v r THC--dddddd ! yeaaaaaaaa ! :D anywz kool 1 keep on going...
  20. vairocks

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    seems gud to me....added to my future list...;)