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  1. angrand239

    stoner help!!!!

    i need help from all the stoners out i couldn't find a section but im taking a drug test and there going to give me a swab test. i haven't smoked in 8 days i drank at least a gallon a day and nicain twice a day aswell. i will be taking the test in a few days will i be fine. and is there any...
  2. angrand239

    Big Situation HELP

    well its just mids, and i live down south- southwest florida
  3. angrand239

    Big Situation HELP

    so would i have to wait til late October til it flowers?
  4. angrand239

    Big Situation HELP

    this is the plant.. bushy in width and good hieght.
  5. angrand239

    Big Situation HELP

    ok im in a tight situation i been growing a plant under CFL Lights for about a month now my plant is bout 3-4ft tall, im about to move i got alot of woods to work with , i was wondering would my plant survie the transfer from a controlled environment to the outdoor sun. :-? and should i change...
  6. angrand239

    flowering help

    i have a plant which is about 1-2 feet tall. i have four CFL lights;2 are 26watt 1600 LUMENS & 2 other 26watt reveal light it is 1570 LUMENS. so together they are 6350 LUMENS. would that be enough to flower the plant?? & should i stick with SCHULTZ 10-15-10 plant food during the flowering process??
  7. angrand239

    update on my 26w cfl grow. +pics

    im using 4 26watt cfls... my plant bout 1-2 feet tall would it be enough to flower my plant
  8. angrand239

    plant help

    i've been growing for bout a month now.. no days off, i let my one plant get light for 30 some odd days now and its looking lovely. but my question is when and how will i know when my plant is ready to bud, and how will i be able to determine the sex of my plant.. ill post a few pic later... all...
  9. angrand239

    can i alter my light cycle slightly?

    i have been leaving my lights onn 24 hours for the past 2 weeks, my plant looks like its grown.. should i change my time aswell and what light hours should i give it???
  10. angrand239

    lights and odor help!!!!

    i have another question should i use perlite or mirco grow pottoing soil, or can i mix both for better results???
  11. angrand239


    what should i use perlite or regular potting soil.. or can i mix both for better results??? help anyone
  12. angrand239

    lights and odor help!!!!

    so can connect the light to the ballast without a connection to the house.. or how does it work.. and should i get one that compatible with the 4oo watt HPS
  13. angrand239

    lights and odor help!!!!

    ok i dont expect to grow them too high just 4'' to 5'' feet.. and what is a ballasts and should i invest in one??
  14. angrand239

    lights and odor help!!!!

    i've been growing for bout a month or so just using CFL lights.. now i want to switch to HPS.. what wattage should i use for just two plants.. is 250 watt good or should i just get the 400 watt HPS.. and my plants have been giving off the skunky smell what should i use for that.. i dont want the...
  15. angrand239

    Welcome New Members!

    hi im Mr. MCF i just started growing.. so i decided to just grow one plant im at week 2 " i'll post a pic in a few days" i have several questions and i'll take in any advice thrown my way. 1. im using 3 cfl lights in my walk-in closet.. should i switch to High Pressure Sodium lights.. or can i...
  16. angrand239

    grow light help!!!

    ok thanks for the info.. and i just read a post bout cfl lights i guess i had them all mixed up.. i wasn't looking at the watts the highest i have is 29 watts each but it says its equal to 150 watts.. what if i put two lights with 29 watts each in which the label says it equals 150 watts, would...
  17. angrand239

    grow light help!!!

    actually this would be my first indoor grow.. i have a little walk-in closet with one plant, and i have 3 cfl lights.. more then 45 watts each.. how many lights should i use for just my one plant which is 2 weeks in.. and how far away should the lights be from my plant.. and my last question is...