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  1. S

    Early Flowering!!

    im at that exact stage man. mine are that tall about 6 or 7 inches, with 7 small nodes. they are the same age as yours, about a month and a week. I have flowered for 5 days and i see small bits of bud and starts of white hairs :) i only expect about a quarter or so.
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    1st Grow Feedback

    more light, alot more. more ventilation and water sparingly
  3. S

    Kool bloom

    dont do it if you dont know what it is. Its not worth the disaster
  4. S

    3 days of flowering

    looks female what strand is that?
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    A question about space constraints.

    Dude growing alot of plants in a vault will be difficult. Is there an outlet in there? Even if there is sufficent lighting you couldnt grow more than 5 - 10 plants without sufficient fresh air. Temperature/ ventilation will bite u in the ass, unless you leave the door open If you can rig a...
  6. S

    i just need an ounce or 2

    dude 1 plant is easy to conceal. if your parents are cool with you smoking then they are obviously not extremely strict. If your growing 1 plant, how are you going to sell that. Even if your parents do find it 1 plant is no where near profit for a dealer, clearly 1 plant is for smoking, and...
  7. S

    Should these be trimmed? (pix)

    no need to trim untill buds form they look good.....i think your yeild will be pretty heavy good luck
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    Question about CFL Heat Issue

    When heat is the issue yeild will be sacraficed.More light is always good but too much heat is worse The trick is to use just enough bulbs so that your temp is ok. Use a fan and control your temperature with the ammount of lights. Always use atleast 4 bulbs, it wont hurt to use 4 when it is...
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    Im going out of town! cant find in FAQ`s

    I was thinking about a drip system, its a 2 week old in a small pot How does the rope system work?
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    Im going out of town! cant find in FAQ`s

    Im leaving for a week. i cant find where i read how to make a watering system the one with the rope, and pots
  11. S

    Cloning a leaf.....????

    it will be a plant man
  12. S

    how long. pic 9half week 12/12

    2 weeks man Then chop em down Good lookin crop ;)
  13. S

    lighting question

    go CFL man that shit works get about 2 or 3 23+watt cfl for vegging have about 5 to 8 for flowering keep the cfl`s about 1.5 to 2 inches away and use a small cooling fan its cheap and simple