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  1. S

    Light green patches on leafs??? see pics!

    The soil I'm using is livingtons multi purpose compost with added john Inness. I heard it was good for tomatos so I thought it would be suitable
  2. S

    Light green patches on leafs??? see pics!

    No i've not used any nutes yet, 'I've got canna tera vega' ready but assumed there would be enough in the soil for at yeast a month. I've only used water that's sat open for 24 hours. Should I try some nutes?
  3. S

    Light green patches on leafs??? see pics!

    i'm a first time grower and i've got an AK - 48 just over 3 weeks into the veg stage. the plant seems to be healthy enough (its growing good anyway) apart from these light green patches showing up on the leafs. i've only been watering when the top of the soil gets completey dry. i'm using 3 cool...