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  1. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    fytocell is pretty new, FYTOCELL, AN INCREASINGLY POPULAR SUBSTRATE Author: J.C.C. Welleman Abstract: Aminoplast-foams have been used for decades as soil improvers all over the world. Over the past five-year introduction period Fytocell, an aminoplast-foam with additional specific...
  2. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    it wont work?
  3. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    bump, anyone think this wont work?
  4. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    well, i dont know. I have a bunch of fytocell a and rockwool floc left over from a flood and drain experiement. I need to fill 81 3 gallon pots. I wanted to go coco, but it seems that much coco is to expensive. so i was thinking, why not mix in some of what i already have?
  5. K

    crazy... INSANE!!!

    what do you think? would this work? mixxing : rockwool(floc) coco fytocell perlite
  6. K

    using hydroponic nutrients for soil

    reps to you man, thanks
  7. K

    using hydroponic nutrients for soil

    can this be done? specifically gh 3 part. i would love any input
  8. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    do you use all 3 parts?
  9. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    one... last.. bump...
  10. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    bump? 5char
  11. K

    Using 3 part GH as a Soil Nute

    Anyone done this? Can it be done? How? I would love any advice. THANKS!
  12. K

    underwatering help

    hello, and thank you for coming to my thread im in about week 5 of flowering blueberry sog flood and drain set up i got lazy for a few days, and found out later my pump was clogged plants went without water for a few days now most of them have droopy leaves, and some have even fallen over...
  13. K

    wtf have ever seen these spider mites do this b4 ?

    i just had them, looked just like that, damn things killed my mothers.
  14. K

    left over water?

    ok, i have like a 5 gallon bucket, it might take a while
  15. K

    left over water?

    what should i do? i have a bunch of water left over fom a bubble hash extraction. i dont think that i used small enough screens, because there is a bunch of oil that has colleceted at top. i hate to waste anything. if anyone knows a way to salvage this stuff, i would love to hear it.
  16. K

    California S.A.G.E. x OG KUSH 73 µ Water-Hash

    how was it growing that plant? i have a clone of that exact mix? flowering time? method of grow?
  17. K

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    al, what do you do with all the trim? do you extract in any way (hash, oil, butter....)? or do you just toss it?
  18. K

    Web site to buy clones is this for real?

    not a great selection
  19. K

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    i have one plant, og kush/s.a.g.e and while even though it is fairly indica dominant, the fact that it has sativa genetics shows. it gtows tall and lanky. but it is very resillient, it will stand up to anything. I would really love to grow this plant in a SOG. Do you think it can be done?
  20. K

    Is this legit?

    anyone know?